Paris in Flames Lyrics
And on the first day we'll dress this city in flames
After all the things you say
You hate me for being this way
There is no headline to read at night
When the record slips and you're not holding the needle
And we watch our lives bleed out through our hands
Thats how it was on the first day
We saw Paris in Flames
There is no sunlight
The sunlight is manufactured in a windowless room
Distant and incoherent
Businessmen hang themselves
The needle is a vector
An intersection that well all must cross
A dimly lit hallway where shadows of moths decorate the walls
Discard this message
Burn this city down
Throw this bottle back in the ocean
Rip this page from the history books
Smash all the street signs
Erase all the maps
Forget my name
Forget my face
Because it's going to rain
And it never ends

this song was inspired by a movie that was based on the Stonewall Inn Riots that occured in 1969. A drag bar in Greenwich Village (in the lower east side) in Manhattan, New York City was raided by cops and the customers of the club defended themselves, and a riot occurred. The rain imagery, and the whole "discard this message" part is about the event being erased from the consciousness of many.
the song is about standing up, about refusing to be oppressed, it's about forcing your existence on the people who supress it.
to respond to "sentimentalf0ol"....the world is too tollerant? people die because of their religion, color of their skin, sexual orientation, and the world is too tollerant? you're an idiot. until i feel like i can express myself without being self conscious or fearing for my safety, i will continue to call you an idiot.

It’s 2024. Wildfire season, edging towards Lions Gate 8/8 portal, fire cleansing rituals - whether or not you subscribe to these beliefs, there are a great number that do. Paris is currently hosting the Olympic Games. The logo of five rings accompanied by a ‘new’ logo of a torch flame which also resembles a femme image of big hair and lips. The opening ceremony was deemed repugnant and highly controversial for some, and embraced wholely and applauded by others. LGBTQ was a large theme of opening. And as discussed heavily in this thread (spanning over 20 years..) so are the lyrics in this song.
[Edit: A word was autocorrected wrongly]

i think this is my favorite song on Full Collapse. i wish i knew what was being screamed toward the end between "burn this city down" and the last "discard this message." i hope they do this live.

First of all..this is an absolutely amazing song..the first time I heard it, I fell in love w/ it...the melody, the lyrics, everything..even if u dont know what it's about, you have to appreciate it...
Second, agreeing w/ moonsoon, yes sentimental, you are an idiot, actually more so, and F&*KING Idiot, a retard, i dont know, i wanna hit you, i have friends that have been discriminated against you homophobe, get a life, appreciate this song for what it is, and it's a disgrace to know that you are a Thursday fan, go jump off a cliff...
Thursday is a great band and i cant wait to hear their new stuff...Keep rockin' it boys

Right on you guys....But we all know songs were written so that every person can interprit it in his or her own way. Not all are as openminded as you two and I. Lets not call him names, he will get it one day. Rock on Thursday, Cursive and At the Drive-in.

HAHA, hell ya...One-armed scissor is the shit....

fuck yeah moonsoon3, good call. "the world is too tolerant" wow that sounds exactly like the illogical bullshit that president bush would say. it just doesnt make any sense.
Also I what I thought the song was about (and after reading the comments apperantly it is) is that Paris in Flames symbolizes destroying somehting ideal and beautiful. I guess it really was about destroying some gay people's lives. The story behind these lyrics alone, make this my new favorite song.

Since the first time i heard this song, it's been my new favorite song, it's an unbelievable song..and raindyday, i agree w/ you, monsoon is a fuckingretard, but whatever, ignorant people will be among us, we just have to ignore them...took a hell of a lot of them to vote bush into presidency...whatever, the song is great, no one is saying it's not...

This world doesn't have enough tolerance. Americans are that have middle eastern background are harrased and beaten everyday in this country. THIS SONGS RULES! Since the first time I heard this song its been my favorite. Thursday is such a good band. MONSOOONFOOOL! Think about what you're saying before you ever say it again.

why is everyone calling moonsoon a fool. sentamental is the real jackass here.