9 Meanings
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Day By Day Lyrics

looks like i've fucked up again, what's new i'm always getting out of hand
though in control sometimes just don't give a shit
i get raw, have fun, i love it
so sick of saying some of those apologies have got to go
but i don't intend to create a pain in your heart
i'm a pain in the ass
cuz that's what i'm about

day by day i can see a change in every way
some things get worse some things get better, i hate to say
i hate to say

those blatant lies are now a part of my past i hope
i don't get confronted abusing other's minds through control
i don't want it to last so here i go
i'm on my way, i'm leaving for good
i pray that you forgive me for all the harm that i caused
cuz we were friends and we had some great times
and that's why i'm just fine
cuz that's the way it is

day by day i can see a change in every way
some things get worse some things get better, i hate to say

day by day, i live day by day

day by day i can see a change in every way
some things get worse some things get better, i hate to say
but i've declined all your ways.
Song Info
Submitted by
buzz_poets On Dec 03, 2001
9 Meanings
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He takes one day at a time and it's like every day gets worse, and old, and cheap. he's lost respect for them because he's been hurt and the wound just grows over time.

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somethings get dull they wear out day by day...

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I agree with you. I have a friend who's like that too. She just kinda gave up on everything and takes everything that comes day by day. Anyone that tries to help her she pushes away, just cuz its hard for her to believe that anyone really wants to help.

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I think this song is about someone who keeps hurting people he/she cares about in their life... this is how one of my closest friends acts, she was my gf once... this song is her, and it's starting to become me... maybe she rubbed off on me or something... anyway, this song is amazing and taproot is def. one of the best bands around!

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i have to say, this is one of my favorite songs ever and [taproot] really kicks... i agree with what everyones said... it kinda reminds me of one korn lyric "each day taking that much more" from the song counting... he's accidentally hurting the people he cares or used to care for and its like life is just there... somedays are harder but it all sorta sucks and is the same and the changes dont really seem to matter, even tho they are there... its a pretty shitty feeling but a great song

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Taproot is the best and Fred Durst can suck knob (if u heard what he said to taproot)

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i believe it's about accidentally hurting your friends and loved ones. it's like when you do it, it seems like harmless fun, and it's all cool and you don't think about it. but then you go home, sit alone, watch tv, shower, sit at the computer, and you just think about what you said or did and realize how it must have hurt that person. you begin to hate yourself and acquire low self asteem thinking that you're a worthless person. you don't want to tell them you're sorry because if u realy are such a worthless person like you think you are, what would an apology meen to them, they become hollow. eventually you close everyone else out and just take things day by day and become overly causious about the things you say and do. at least this is what i think the song is about.

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fred durst is just a jealous fucking talentless fat piece of shit. taproot is 10x better than his shitty "band" any day and he is just not man enough to face up to that fact.

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Day by day, I can see a change in every way. <a href="theimpossible-quiz.co/">the impossible quiz</a>

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