11 Meanings
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My Great Devastator Lyrics

No - I'll lay half empty, half finished,
half written, until my end
I'll leave the lights on just in case
you want to be found again
To the dead, I wrote you countless letters
dear only some I sent
How easy it was for silence to say
some of the loudest of things
To speak so effortlessly the words and syllables
that can crush in an instant
To our end, to the dear departed
Are you my last chance or the first chapter
in the greatest fable ever told
For the rope is getting shorter and these days
they are getting longer with every ghosts I find
They leave no heart unbroken
my great devastator
To our end, to the dear departed
Are you my last chance or the first chapter
in the greatest fable ever told
I'll leave the lights on just in case
you want to be found again
My great devastator
Song Info
Submitted by
converge On Dec 03, 2001
11 Meanings
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I think this song is about how a girl completely destroys a guy emotionally. Its insane how much I can relate to this song.

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Guys can destroy a girl emotionally too. Don't think that girls are the only one to play head games. Guys are just as guilty.

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i think it sounds like the guy killed his girlfriend and is leaving her body in a room to be found.

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Usually when it says something about dying, it's some type of symbolism, because chances are good he didn't kill his girlfriend. Why are there only 3 comments on this?

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Usually when it says something about dying, it's some type of symbolism, because chances are good he didn't kill his girlfriend. Why are there only 3 comments on this?

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The first three lines reminds me of a story.. aybe he felt that he had to write this song, but at the start he may have had a writer's block and the thoughts and ideas going on in his head before he started writing must have been screaming those lines. freaky when i think about it

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This song is about a selfish person who completely rips apart a once beautiful relationship for selfish, personal reasons. Everyone can relate to this one.

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i was pretty much forced to make an account and comment this due to the asinine comments i'm seeing smeared all over the pages for these, which are the most deep rooted and shaking visions of human emotion ever put out in music. it's been over a year since the last person commented, but i felt a need because of how much this song impacted me throught a relationship i was recently in. there's no need to wonder at this songs meaning.

it's about true love, he sacrificed everything for her, bled himself completely dry, and scorned everything that did not approach her with dignity, and as the years went on he knew she was fading, and was gone, leaving him as the shell he'd been the entire time, but every single lonely night he waits for her return, something that has destroyed him completely, but the only thing he's ever found a real meaning in.

jake's lyrics strike the wounded and those who are still struggling for life's hearts in a way that no one is going to understand without even a basic respect for the english language (which no one on this sickening excuse for a website has). the fact that these idiots are even allowed to state their opinions on these works of art make me want to throw up all over myself.

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The relationship's over, she totally messed him up and he's a mess. He hates himself for being so ruined by a girl and he hates her for doing it to him, but he'd still take her back.

Very few people can put into words what it's like to hate someone you love like Jake Bannon.

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Listen to Godflesh's song Devastator/Mighty Trust Krusher. Converge have said that Godflesh were an influence on them. Maybe he got the idea for woman as devastator from Godflesh?. Plus, Godflesh's song is less whiny and melodramatic than this one.

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