6 Meanings
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DwarfStar Lyrics

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The first time I met him
He said he was a DwarfStar,
Cuz he was small and
He was famous.

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The second time I met him
He said I could never be a DwarfStar
Cuz I was too tall and
I wasn't famous.

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The thir...the second I mean that I went to see him
He was not...in a very..good mood.
He said, "Stop coming around here!"

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The last time that I went to see him
He had passed away.

I wanna te...
I wanna tell ya...
I wanna tell ya...
I wanna tell ya...

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.

The End......
6 Meanings
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I heard Melora wrote this song after a run in with Gary Coleman.

Looks like she won.

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It is about Marilyn Manson, When she went on tour with him. at the time of "Anti Christ Superstar"

she said it herself @ a concert.

He didn't acknowledge her the whole tour, so she made a joke out of it.

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Melora said that this song was written with the character on "Fantasy Island," Mr. Rourke's midget assistant, in mind. (The one who ran to ring the bell and shout, "Da plane, da plane!" in every episode.)

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It's a neat concept song, paralleling a natural phenom (a dwarf star, the last stage before a shrinking star dies) and a famous person.

Makes me think of one-hit wonders in the film industry....

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I used to be a Manson fanatic and many people who knew him said he was a total jerk.His fame really didn't last too long. But he's 6'1....not quite dwarf but maybe meaning that he didnt get too big famewise.

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Okay, it's about a Little person who's famous. And he doesn't like her very much. Then he dies. Wow, that one was hard.

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