21 Meanings
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Solitary Lyrics

Set me aflame and cast me free,
Away, you wretched world of tethers.
Through the endless night and day
I have never wanted more.
Always thought that I would stand
Before the faceless name of justice.
Like some law unto myself,
Like a child of God again.

And if rain brings winds of change
Let it rain on us forever.
I have no doubt from what I've seen
That I have never wanted more.
With this line I'll mark the past
As a symbol of beginning.
I have no doubt from what I've seen
That I have never wanted more.

In this picture stands a man,
Far away, alone and distant.
Like a solitary field
In some nameless foreign land.
All around him points of light
Start to dim and cease transmitting.
Shadows fell on futile games
And then there was nothing more.

Through the screams of falling steel,
By the light of flares and wisdom.
All the doubts I could not face,
All this time I wanted more.
With a line I'll mark the past
As a symbol of beginning.
To the gods whose names we've lost
And the names who gave in vain.

Sever the line to the guilty past,
To the ones who brought us nothing
Spoke of futures brave and proud
And brought only hate and war.
Lined the roads with hollow praise,
Marked the land with paper statues.
Shadows fell on their futile ways
And then there was nothing more.
Song Info
Submitted by
mopnugget On Dec 03, 2001
21 Meanings
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I'm also "Electric_Jungle" so i've already posted my comment on this song.. but that was so long ago.. and still no more comments.. so I just wanted to restate, for my own satisfaction this song truely stands behind the name "VICTORY NOT VENGEANCE" Be Victorious because you know who you are, and do Not have Vengance for those who do not understand and never will.. live your life knowing that you're doing the right thing, and that's all that matters...

@Miss Malicious Beautiful comment.

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I'm not going to even try to interpret this song- all I know is that the lyrics invoke these amazing pictures for me. The song is some sort of reflection of mankind, at times I feel it's referring to war, at times I feel it carries the same message as so many other VNV songs do- that if the world were to end, what have we accomplished? All I know is that these lyrics are some of the most powerful I have ever known. I love the lines "Away , you wretched world of tethers" and "Through the screams of falling steel/By the light of flares and wisdom" and "marked the land with paper statues" THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING SONG

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This is one of the most powerful VNV songs, I'm surprized that there aren't more comments on it. I've noticed VNV's 'populars' tend to be songs about a lost love. I saw VNV live for the first time on the first date of the US futureperfect tour. It changed my life forever. I've loved VNV from the first time I heard their music. I was way into their lyrics, but never fully understood what they 'really' meant, to me. When I saw them live, I took on a new understanding of them and outlook on my life. The first VNV song I heard was "solitary" and I was always attatched to the lyrics "if rain brings winds of change, let it rain on us forever - i have no doubt from what i've seen, that i have never wanted more" When they preformed this live, they announced to the crowd that this was their 'anthem', this song is about being who you are and wanting nothing more out of life. To "cast away this wretched world of teathers" (to cast away those who can't accept you for who you are) becuase you have no doubt in who you are and what you know about this world, and you want nothing more than that, to be who you are. And when I reflect on those lyrics, it makes me think of how shitty things have happened in my life, but if it wern't for those things, I wouldn't know what I know today, and I wouldn't have expierienced the feelings I've felt, -in otherwords.. i wouldn't be who i was today if it wasn't for what has happend to me in the past- so, I have never wanted more than what I know/have learned, and felt and lived. :) -someone stop me!!! once i start talking about vnv I don't stop... :x

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To me it seems that the singer is dieing in some sense or another, perhaps losing a part of himself that held him back - "set me aflame and cast me free, away you wretched world of tethers" and starts to reflect on the universal constant that is change. "and if rains bring winds of change..." He realizes that the past (with this line I'll mark the past) makes us who we are today, but we aren't who we are today, and in the last few verses he is grateful for the existence of change, as it has resulted in an inevitable end for many evil things in the past.

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This is VNV's best song if you ask me. I think it's about judgment day. And the want to get there. Bring it on! Because it can only be the beginning of a new world.

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it may just be me, but does anyone else make anything of marking the past with a line, then severing the line? i see it as something like trainging wheels... chuckles "this is how things were, based on that, i should make a new beginning with these changes." and then once you have layed your proud foundations, remove the "wheels", "sever the line", and fly free and untethered by what you no longer need, free of the opinions and rigid mindset of the world...

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I think I speak for alot of people when I say this...

"And if rain brings winds of change Let it rain on us forever. I have no doubt from what I've seen That I have never wanted more. With this line I'll mark the past As a symbol of beginning. I have no doubt from what I've seen That I have never wanted more."

Is that NOT the most powerful thing you've ever heard in a song... To me it is.

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Mm, I believe this song is sung from the viewpoint of a soldier who has recently died in battle, perhaps in an unjust war.

Set me aflame and cast me free, Away, you wretched world of tethers. Through the endless night and day I have never wanted more. Always thought that I would stand Before the faceless name of justice. Like some law unto myself, Like a child of God again.

The first two lines could refer to the ancient Norse ('Viking') tradition of putting a warrior's corpse and all of his possessions aboard a boat, setting it aflame, and casting it free after death. Ronan makes references to the culture in some of his other songs, such as 'Frika', which refers to an ancient Norse goddess. Anyway, I just wanted to put my two cents in.

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I don't see the connection between this song and the conflict in middle east at all. This is a song of hope against the odds and that war has very little resemblance to that focus

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Please read what I have to say, it's important to me, because I so rarely have anything to say about anything. I have heard so many songs in my life, downloaded the whole internet it seems, but I have NEVER EVER felt what I feel for this song.

So many "stupid" teenagers, and adults alike, talk about the oh-how-meaningful a certain (crappy) song is to them. I often wonder if they really do feel anythign at all, or just say they do for the sake of telling the world "I'm a rocker" or "I'm miserable".

Anyone pouring their hearts out over THIS song however, should be given an award. If you ever listened to this song, you've been connected to the whole world around you, and every VNV solitary listener alongside with you, in some sort of unison silent choir of thoughts and dreams fears and hopes, all drowning into eachother.

I have been completely wrong about the meaning of this song forever, and known about it all along, but somehow it doesn't matter.

I have walked late at night at hours when aboslutely nobody but me is out on the streets in my small town in Sweden (Köping), on paths in the forest nearby, and completely drowned my mind into the dreamy non-existance of this most beautiful and most fantastic vnv nation song of all time.

What is so fantastic about VNV nation in general is that you can retrive to some wonderful bittersweet hypnotic state that seemed to occupy me a whole lot more in my childhood. It's a wonderful feeling of serenity listening to this song.

And you don't just listen to this song... It's the whole universe and the world around you talking to you about how everything is okay even though you are really all alone in this. It's a strange sort of alineated comfort wrapping its arms around you. A wind with hope. It's really everything you could possibly feel about anything at the same time, and I would be damned if not the universe sings along with "I HAVE NEVER WANTED MORE"

To me, the words "I have never wanted more" means the opposite (probably) of what was intended. I want so much more out of my life than I have, and to walk alone listening to this song late at night in the woods is like walking alongside with the singer. I imagine him screaming out his majestic desires to the world in which nobody listens because he is, like me, all alone.

I hope anyone reads this, and feels EXACTLY the same :)

VNV nation is something unworldly, a natural chord strumming along throughout all space and time, and it's such a shame so few people in this world ever even heard of VNV. But at the same time, of course, that's also what makes this song so personal, and beutiful, and for the sam reason, nobody loving it can be stamped with a label on their forhead for screaming out his or hers passion about it.

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