Saviour Lyrics
Pointlessly reaching for some light
You hope to guide your sorry way.
Your body bleeding.
Your body burned.
Your body scarred.
Around the cinder of your heart
A God of care.
A God of hope.
A God of words.
A God as lost as you and blind to fill your hollow soul again.
wrapping healing arms around you.
You'll find another God of pain,
a God of suffering and tears.
Give yourself unto your God.
Sacrifice yourself again.
Burn your thoughts erase your will to Gods of suffering and tears.
Tie hallowed bonds around your hands.
Kneel before this seat of shame to Gods as lost,
Gods as blind, Gods of suffering and pain.
I don't think it is necessary to say whether he was talking about religion or not. I'm an avid VNV Nation fan, listening to all their songs. I really don't think they'd ever make a direct statement about religion. Ronan really likes to use religious imagery in his songs, but he does it in such fascinating ways, which do not necessarily encourage nor discourage religion.
I think this song is about how people always look for things to save them instead of changing and seeking after their own path. These "gods" don't have to be actually God, but could be anyone or anything that people blindly seek after and put all their faith in. More than anything he is speaking out against when people give themselves up, sacrificing themselves and their will to the power of others. This forms the "Hollow bonds" from the killed pride; but these idols are just as lost as we are.
Btw, just a note on one of the comments up there: any song that sound religious can easily be interpreted as a love song. But my experience is that Ronan doesn't really write love songs. Beloved was rather an anomaly there.
If you follow the Empires concept, it would make sense that this song is about the Roman Empire giving up their polytheistic ways and ushering in Christianity, but that of course then leads to their ultimate downfall.
Its seems tom me that he's commenting on people who constantly seek a God that fits their world views not the God that actually exists. He hints at this desperation for this perfect God when he says "The cinder of your heart." Which gives an image of the charred remains of what used to be a genuine, and truth-seeking heart.
In desperation they become slaves to this ideal "God" that will take care of them, and heal them "instantly" when they ask for it. When they don't find this "God" they instead turn to the "Gods as lost as you and blind..." those of this world... The people with money, power, greed, weapons etc. They become slaves to them in hope of this instant quick fix to their problems. But instead all they find is suffering and tears. Their desperation soon turns to depression as they "Burn" their thoughts and "erase" their wills and give in to what they feel is inevitable.
This song to me, is just an example of VNV's talent as lyricists. In many of their songs they speak about Heaven- giving the idea that they believe in a god and in an afterlife. This song completely negates this idea- laughing at the idea of a God like most believe him to be. Perhaps this song was written after a personal experience- who knows. But it is awesome, and again, has many different interpretations
I took a bit of a differect meaning from this seems he is not speaking of god literally. I see this as a lost love of his, looking for another love elsewhere. The "gods" he speaks of are quite possibly other men his lover is looking for. He seems to be saying that this lover will never find that which she/he is looking for. I don't know, maybe I'm nuts...I'm just a hopeless romantic :)
I think this song is a criticism of people who search only for the "good God." I think VNV believes that the judeo-christian concept of a god is incorrect - not only is this god one of hope and love, but also suffering and pain... You may seek this benevolent power of the universe, but you'll also find suffering and tears... I often compare this song to the line in Solitary - "to the gods whose names we've lost and the ones who gave in vain"
I agree with Envy Is Blind on this one for the most part, except the part about the Judeo-Christian concept of God. Read the Old Testament my friend, and you will see a vengeful god. Famine, plague, and death of all kinds visisted upon the doubters. While God seems nicer in the New Testament, he does allow a fair share of pain to be visited on his followers and their enemies seem to get off pretty light. Christ, and almost all of the Apostles were martyred. Thats right, many of them were crucified. Not a nice experience by any means. Yes, god does so love the world, but most realistic Jews and Christians do beleive that god can also show his anger when provoked, and that God is to be both exalted and feared.
Many of VNV's songs carry a 'spiritual' message. This is especially evident in the new cd, futureperfect. I love the lyrics to this, and everytime I hear the instrumental I sing the lyrics anyways, and everyone always stares like I've gone insane. haha. anyways, I think that this song speaks out to those who are looking for the wrong things out of their religion/life.
i think this song remains to be one of vnv's best kept secret songs... it seems like a lot of people don't realize this song has a verison with vocals. it's a wonderful song
I think this song talks about religions, and how people put their problems the hands of their gods, how they try to mold their minds and personalities to fulfill a followers stereotype. My favorite line is ¨Burn your thoughts erase your will to Gods of suffering and tears¨ it tells how you must abandon your abitily to think for yourself and follow the rules and orders that the religion imposes, and because of that you end in pain and agony when you realize it's imposible to follow those rules