4 Meanings
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Deep Within Lyrics

Is there a place deep within
A place where you hide you're darkest sins

There's a strange kind of ambiance,
its surrounding you lure me,
towards the truth

Candles die down ass you leave the room
In my heart you leave no gloom
As you lure me I know the truth
You're a leprechaun, I see you through.

Is there a place deep within
A place where you hide you're darkest sins

There's a strange kind of ambiance,
its surrounding you lure me,
towards the truth
Song Info
Submitted by
idan On Dec 03, 2001
4 Meanings
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wow this songs great! always reminds me of Rammstein!

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i Suppose it is a cool song, pretty deep and nice beat; however i like Sharon Adels voice and was expecting it here in the song. im just not a huge fan of the "grunge: voice sound

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This reminds me of my boyfriend.

A lot of things have happened to him.. And he has a violent history, which landed him in psych wards for a few years.

I was very quick to trust him, I couldn't help it... And I really don't trust very easily. Most people look at him and say, "Serial killer." And I can see why, I see that side of him but the rest of him is more prevelant. He's gotten and still gets help, and there are very few people who would know how to make him angry enough to regress.

There were so many people that told me to be careful. That they could tell me stories that would make me rethink my relationship.

Anyways. I suppose you're wondering how this ties in with the meaning of the song..

The 'ambiance' is what attracted me to him in the first place [because he's not the most attractive person ever]. He knows a lot about life from his experience, and he understands a lot of things that most 18 year olds don't understand, so he "lure[s] me toward the truth" all the time.

Wow, that was lengthy.

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Reminds me of myself. I appear like a kind of pure person but hide my sins deep within. I don't think anyone has seen me through, and hopefully no one will completely. I do have a strange ambiance often.

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