Exodus Lyrics
Open your eyes and let me tell you this
when ya see Jah light
Let me tell you, if you're not wrong (Then why?)
ev'rything is alright
So we gonna walk, alright, through the roads of creation
We're the generation (Tell me why)
trod through great tribulation
Exodus, movement of Jah people
Exodus, movement of Jah people
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
We know where we're going; we know where we're from
We're leaving Babylon, we're going to our fatherland
(Movement of Jah people)
Send us another Brother Moses gonna cross the Red Sea
(Movement of Jah people)
Send us another Brother Moses gonna cross the Red Sea
Exodus, Exodus, Exodus, Exodus,
Exodus, Exodus, Exodus, Exodus
Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?
We know where we're going; we know where we're from
We're leaving Babylon, we're going to the fatherland
Exodus, movement of Jah people
Movement of Jah people (4 times)
Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!
Wipe away transgression, set the captives free
Exodus, movement of Jah people
Movement of Jah people (5 times)
Movement of Jah people (5 times)

This song is not about any certain race, to think that contradicts the message he has tried to send us. This song to me is about the human journey from the unconscious to the light (conscious).
"Open your eyes and look within Are you satisfied with the life you're living? We know where we're going; we know where we're from We're leaving Babylon, we're going to the fatherland"
open yours eyes and look within, refers to the human struggle we have with staying conscious, many search their whole lives trying to find out who they are from the outside world, one can only know god and only know them selves when they look from within. We have always known where we were going, to a new world order. Bob Marley was one of many conscious people along with the likes of Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Ghandi. With the spiritual enlightenment of the people we will create a heaven on earth or "the homeland"
i def agree
i def agree
like finding yourself, because once you do that your happiness comes from within, and you'll have no problem with rejection/unsatisfaction, whatever it is
like finding yourself, because once you do that your happiness comes from within, and you'll have no problem with rejection/unsatisfaction, whatever it is
"are you satisfied with the life you're living?"
"are you satisfied with the life you're living?"
if your not, your not being true to yourself and its even worse if you dont know yourself because youll be all over the place i realized that one day thanks to you bob
if your not, your not being true to yourself and its even worse if you dont know yourself because youll be all over the place i realized that one day thanks to you bob
@br0wn_eyed_ma after reading this comment my faith in humanity restored Thank you Namste :D
@br0wn_eyed_ma after reading this comment my faith in humanity restored Thank you Namste :D

i love the laugh after 'when ya see jah light' :D

i think this is on the list of the top ten best songs to jam on ever ever ever

I think this might be about the exodus of 1879, in which African Americans move westward in response to the Jim Crow laws, which effectively made the African Americans second class legal and social citizens.

This song is about the black man moving back to Africa, escaping Babylon (America). It can also be viewed as God's children escaping Babylon back to Africa. Or leaving a spiritual Babylon and going to a greater spirituality.

yes, now that i look back on it, i realize it's obviously about the back to africa movement advocated by Marcus Garvey and the Rastafarian religion. I believe babylon isn't quite america though--it's the white powers that keep blacks on the lower rungs of society, previously through slavery, and now economically (but it is most likely most prevalent in America).
"Jah people" are the people of Jah, the Rastafarians.

It has an obvious connection to the Exodus story of teh Bible from Egypt, but I also do believe that it symbolizes the movment back to Africa at the same time.

Babylon is NOT another name for america!!! though it is about the movement of black people back to africa
Babylon is a name for the system that keeps people in ignorence and plays with peoples mids like polatics!

this song is about the egyptian exodus, the second book of the bible, and how moses lead the jews out of egypt. great song by the way

Exodus does have to do with the whole movement of israleis from egpt, but i think that in this song marley is referring to the african american's who called themselves the Exodusers and moved west in 1879 to escape the south after reconstruction ended. i just realized thar marley tends to mention us history a lot in his songs (buffalo solier, this one... there's probably more too...)