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Murder In Tulip City Lyrics

Murder In Tulip City.
The story you're about to hear is true.
Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
This could happen to any city.
It could happen to your city, but it didn't.
It happened in Tulip City.
Murder In The Tulip City!
In Tulip City you have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to attorney.
You have the right to wear funny wooden shoes.
You have the right to eat rusks.
You have the right to redeem double coupons on Tuesdays.
But most of all, you have the right to fear for your life
As you tread in the shadow of the Dutch Mafia.
Murder In The Tulip City!

My name's Agent 357.
I've seen a lot of destruction in my day.
But nothing that compares to Tulip City.
Bodies floating down the Grande,
Poison windmill cookies,
People mowing their lawns on Sundays.
You see, nothing is as obscene and unsightly
As when decent, honest, hard-working, upstanding people
Take control of the underground.
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Cover art for Murder In Tulip City lyrics by Mustard Plug

Tulip City is in Holland Michigan The band is from Grand Rapids Michigan. I live in Saugatuck Michigan, about 10 minutes from Holland and 30 from Grand Rapids. It is called Tulip city becuase it is known for it's Tulip Time festival which is filled with carnys and people in dutch outfits with wooden shoes. Everyone there is Dutch hence all the Dutch stuff. I think that this murder case was fabricated though.