11 Meanings
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Beautiful Girl Lyrics

Nicky's in the corner
With a black coat on
Running from a bad home
With some cat inside

Now where did you find her
Among the neon lights
That haunt the streets outside
She says
Stay with me

Beautiful girl
Stay with me
Beautiful girl
Stay with me
She wants to go home

From doorway to doorway
Street corner to corner
With the neon ghosts in the city
And she says

She's so scared
So very frightened
Anything could happen
Right here tonight
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

I think its about a guy who is just in love with this girls beauty. So in love that he just wants to take care of her.

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

When Andrew Fariss' daughter Grace was born the title came to his head.

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

The clip is about women dealing with anorexia ect. but the actual song/lyrics are about Andrew's daughter Grace.

Great song.

@Lead2BurnedHope you’re right. Andrew Farriss wrote this song. He was inspired by the birth of his baby daughter. "I was writing lyrics like 'Baby Don't Cry' and 'Beautiful Girl' and lyrics just about how wonderful it is to have something else in your life besides yourself to worry about and think about." he explained in an interview by Debbie Kruger.

Bono of U2 plays guitar and sings backing vocals. (Source: Wikipedia)

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

Nikki has ran away from a bad home and is now experiencing the seedy and dangerous side of homelessness. She sells herself to the narrator who treats her well and she feels comforted by him so she tells him "stay with me". As the song progresses the narrator falls for the beautiful girl and when she feels it is time to go home he is the one who says "stay with me"

I get this meaning by the reversal of the lyrics for the last part of the song

My Interpretation
Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

This is an excellent song... Definately worthy of its place on their greatest hits cd. I think the meaning of it is pretty obvious.. But I could be wrong. I think it is about a girl that was from a bad home (duh) and he wants to take care of her, but she wants to go home because she can't handle the unpredictability.

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

I guess its about a beutiful girl. See thats the thing the lyrics up until elegantly wasted dont mean much to me but they are extremely talented musicians

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

I know this much - the clip is obviously about anorexia, and it was used as the song for a campaign against eating disorders. But the lyrics don't really seem to be about that, so I'd go with what pedleyr said, perhaps.

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

It sounds less like a daughter and more about finding a girl who's run away from home to me. And she wants to go home because she's scared but the narrator doesn't want to let her go- "Stay with me."

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

I've always taken several meanings from the lyrics and video combined. The lyrics suggest a girl from a broken home led into prostitution and the narrator wanting to protect her from the sleazy pimps and drug dealers. The video takes it further by advising women that they don't need to glamour yourselves artificially with plastic surgery or trying to look like the artificial super models. All women have beauty of their own right. Just see it in yourselves and stay the way you are...

Cover art for Beautiful Girl lyrics by INXS

Perhaps the inspiration for the lyrics of this song come from a long night spent talking with a girl called 'Nicky ',who he finds beautiful. They are 'outside' his house under the street lights 'neon lights' her eyes say 'stay with me'.He wants her to stay 'stay with me' but she has to go home. Her friend is locked inside the house she came from 'bad home with some cat inside' .. she has the only key. He delays her leaving each time she tries 'from doorway to doorway' 'street corner to corner'. The sun is starting to come up 'neon ghosts in the city ',partly she feels guilty staying longer,she has to go home to let her friend out. She is also frightened and scared to stay with him because of who he is and the unpredictable nature of what may happen if she stays. The taxi comes and he pulls her close 'stay with me' he says over and over but she must pull herself away.