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Killing A Camera Lyrics

got caught kicking the canvas down
i had plans but they never seemed to work out
wide-eyed and on the lookout
got caught tearing the whole thing down
i was halfway done
but then you know this painted scene
could never leave me
oh please believe me

caught killing a camera
now it seems calming and clear to hire
a cast of kittens, the cats we've been kissing
for the cameras we're lowering here
got caught tearing the whole thing down
i was halfway done
but then we sang it for memphis
the new slang in frame and canvas
just for the cameras

when we are awake we sing "never... ever"
this is where you must make up your mind
should beauty be design this time?
this time you decide cause we go with whatever
we take our time

got a cough
my throat kills from singing
my ears are ringing
the stage is slowly sinking
and we're all thinking the same thing
let's not settle for satisfaction
we are women and men of action
let's stop clapping let's start doing
a dream for the teens and in-betweens
and twenties yet unseen.
20 Meanings
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I don't know why everyone trashes on Hey Mercedes so much...it pisses me off. Chris Broach left - at least the rest of the group had the integrity to honor that by not calling the band Braid when they regrouped. And my guess is that the people who rag on Hey Mercedes so much are either ignorant emo newcomers who can't reconcile their Saves The Day records with the more mature and articulate Hey Mercedes or snobby punk purists who think that a hefty recording budget is a mortal sin. I think in a scene full of look-alike sound-alike bands, Bob Nanna and co. deserve massive props for keeping their sound fresh and unique while not capitalizing on their lucrative legacy with the late, great, lamented Braid. consider that and then try and tell me that Hey Mercedes are a bunch of sell-outs.

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I love it that this is such a popular Braid song.

Wow I'm getting in here way way late, but I just revived my Hey Mercedes collection. Before I found Hey Mercedes I would email Nanna about different Braid songs. I think he responded maybe twice, but I specifically remember him responding to this song and basically what he told me was that it was about how he is against self-promotion. Now go listen to the song and see what you think.

I can actually kind of see what you're talking about. It's how artists use there image and gimmicks to sell there music and how it distracts people from there art. I knew this song was about something related to art and artistic integrity but I was not quite sure what. Thanks for sharing.

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Wow... do comments.. well Braid is by far one of my fav bands.. well i guess they used to be.. now they are the more popular Hey Mercedes.. I dont really like their music too much now. This is one of my favorite songs.. and i listen to this cd religiously... Lucky To Be Alive is the best cd I have probably.. everyone should have it.. and they kick ass live.. i guess since no one has put comments i can really say.. im their biggest fan :-D

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this song is just so randomly cool

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i love the drums in this song.. it kicks ass

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LessThanMe, your comments about Halo_Ape make me depressingly in the mood to laugh. “Shut up your stupid I hate your kind.” What are you trying to prove by saying that? Halo_Ape made a very nice job on defending Bob Nanna, and every point he made was very good at that. Then you rush in, with out even a trace of editing what you said, and made a complete fool of yourself. I feel bad for your pseudo attempt at trying to make Halo_Ape appeal to everybody as “stupid” if you will. The sad thing is, he does know more about any band than you probably ever will. The line “oh I’m so emo” (referring to Halo) was hilarious, considering he never even declared himself emo, it also goes to show just how much you don’t know about this genre of music. Kthxbye.

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HM is a different band, they are not intended to sound like Braid, since they are a d i f f e r e n t b a n d. anyway, i really cannot define what this song means, i just think it pertains to live performances, and what they do in front of crowds, and the exhilaration of it all. oh yes and "your stupid", "no lifes" and other convoluted ramblings...LessThanMe, you're making our generation look like a bunch of uneducated saps, go live under a rock and stop ruining comment threads of good bands' songs. thanks

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definitely one of my favorite braid songs. ahh.

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btw, does anyone know any bands like braid that i can check out?

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CentsLess, some other bands that are kind of like braid: hot water music which i think kind of ripped their sound off of braid (but maybe i just haven't heard enough) and apperentley leatherface are like hot water music so try them too.

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