In These Woods Lyrics
They raised us wrong
They raised us strong
They raised us up with arms 10 feet long
I'm afraid we're Cancel and Grettel-ed
I'm afraid we don't have the mettel
to make it in these woods.
The Empire State
made out of ginger cake
came crumbling down
before we had a taste.
Fall faints,
Spring spreads,
Winter waits,
dusk consents,
and dawn redecorates.

mr EmoKid forgot about the intro where he's like 'it takes skill' or whatever.. HAHAHAAAA

it's ok ;)

Takes skill Takes will If you've got it, then you've got it If you don't, then there's a pill It takes skill

This song is from the Rome EP

okay this song makes perfect sense. it seems to me the more you look at a les savy fav song, the more and more it seems to make sense. theyre like riddles i guess. the intro goes:
it takes skill it takes will if you've got it then you've got it if you don't there's a pill it takes skill
this is what the whole song is really about. in this song, as in many literary works such as james lapine's play into the woods, the woods represnt life and the chaos of it. in this opening intro tim is saying to get thru life you either gotta have what it takes or youll try to make up for it somehow, with pills or plastic surgery or whatevs.
they watered down the poison in this town they raised us wrong they raised us strong they raised us up with arms 10 feet long
the watered down thing is an allusion to that whole saying "it must be something in the water." how people from a certain town are good at something becuse of something theyre drinking. here tim is saying the poison was watered down and fed to us so we were indirectly bred on this poison. this poison is the same thing as the pills tho. he's saying its making us stronger and better physically but that may not be enough to prepare us for the woods, or life. that raising us strong with ten foot arms was actually wrong, because we should have been focussing on raising our will power and not using the pills/poison.
i'm afraid we're Hansel-ed, i'm afraid we're cancelled and Grettel-ed i'm afraid we don't have the mettle to make it in these woods the empire state made out of ginger cake came crumbling down before we had a taste
now comes the whole hansel and grettel woods metaphor. as you know, in the fairy tale hansel and grettel lack the willpower to not see who owns the gingerbread house after the birds eat their whatever-they-were-dropping. they want to see it so they approach it and then the witch captures them, blah blah blah. so he's saying that he fears that we are all hansels and grettels and that we don't have the mettle, which means willpower. that cancelled thing could be referring to the fact that we're all cancelling each other out because we all have these enhancements and pills. so he says we don't have what it takes (the mettle) to make it. he then compares the empire state builiding to hansel and gretel's gingerbread house. he seems to be saying that all these pills we are taking are to serve corporate america, and so our goal, the gingerbread house for hansel and working in the empire state building for us, is tumbling down.
smmer settles fall faints spring spreads winter waits dusk consents and dawn redecorates
this is just a summary of what's going on. the seasons keep changing and we essentially keep failing.
in other words this song means: stop taking these pills and making body enhancements, it's not gonna be enough to save you in the real world (the woods).

i wish theyd do more.