8 Meanings
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Breathe Lyrics


Corporate causes with self-served denial
The raping of the land
The lungs malfunction
They never learned to breathe


Rusted syringes and half-thought disposal
A burial at sea
Waste water graveyard
Swimming in disease


This is the world
It's not working
This is this earth

Breathe! Breathe, you fucker!

Children gasping the second-hand air
Death and desperation
We've got to cut the lies with truth
We breathe


This is the world
The clock's ticking
Is this this earth?

Breathe! Breathe, you fucker!

Hope springs eternal but there's no conviction
Action mistaken for ransom is paid
All this concern is the true contradiction
The world is insane


This is the world
It's got no future
Is this this earth?

Breathe! Breathe, you fucker!
Song Info
Submitted by
kare On Dec 03, 2001
8 Meanings
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This one is a pro-enviroment song which warns the listener about the outcomes of present corporate-guided actions in the world.

What I like the most about this song is its tone: it's not hippie nor sad. It's a threat. A threat of what will come from human insane predatory behavior.

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The sad irony of this song is it still applies today. And things really haven't improved IMO. This is the world!! It's not working!! This is this Earth!! Yeah, still powerful today.


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the idea for this song came about when someone passed out in the studio and al started screaming "breathe, you fucker!" at him.

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It's about really fucked up shit!

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The sample at the beginning of the song is from the film "Cry Freedom".

Song Fact
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when i discovered ministry, i orgasmed. they're a little repetative, but all the while awesome. i don't know the meaning, i just know this song is amazing.

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the live version of this song from the video (with the two drummers) is absolutely insane!

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connelly is ministry

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