Get It Right The First Time Lyrics
For just this once i hope that looks don't decieve
I ain't got time for true confessions
I've got to make the move right now
Got to meet that girl somehow
I've gotta get it right the first time
That's the main thing
I can't afford to let it pass
You get it right the next time that's not the same thing
Gonna have to make the first time last
I'm not much good at conversation
I was never to smooth at comin' on real strong
If all it takes is inspiration
Then i might have just what it takes
If i don't make no bad mistakes and i get it right the first time
That's the main thing
Can't afford to let it pass
You get it right the next time that's not the same thing
Have to make the first time last
I might find the courage, yeah
I might get up the nerve
But if my timing ain't just right
What purpose would it serve?
I dont know, i dont know
I don't know how to say those first few words
If i want to put myself in touch
The first few moments mean so much
So i suppose it's now or never
Before that woman walks right out of my life
Just let me pull myself together
I've got to give it one good try
Gotta take my chance tonight
I've gotta get it right the first time
That's the main thing
I can't afford to let it pass
You get it right the next time it's not the same thing
Gonna have to make the first time last.

No, it's definitely about Star Wars.
Don't dis a Joel song....ever :) The man has been putting out music (successfully) for decades. He's a big talent. I wish I didn't know every word to every song on this particular album, but I do (and I cannot sing for the life of me). I love the energy throughout this song. It's in-your-face upbeat. The song's about not waiting for life to come up and grab you; it's about making the most of life and not missing opportunities when they are standing in front of you. Good message.
Don't dis a Joel song....ever :) The man has been putting out music (successfully) for decades. He's a big talent. I wish I didn't know every word to every song on this particular album, but I do (and I cannot sing for the life of me). I love the energy throughout this song. It's in-your-face upbeat. The song's about not waiting for life to come up and grab you; it's about making the most of life and not missing opportunities when they are standing in front of you. Good message.

This song is obviously about making a first impression with a girl and hoping to not screw it up

Yep, he keeps thinking about what/how to say something, to try and not necessarily impress her, but not make himself look like a dork.
If you want to learn how to swim, you gotta jump in the water... You can think about it all you want, but you're still going to miss something, and you'll have to learn to deal with it in the water.
Take a chance.