She Hates Me Lyrics
fell in love, found out first hand
went well for a week or two
then it all came unglued
never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie
she fucking hates me
la la la la
I tried too hard
and she tore my feelings like I had none
and ripped them away
after that shit got sour
she took all I ever had
no sign of guilt
no feeling of bad, no
never thought i'd be the one who'd slip
then I started to realize
I was living one big lie
learned my lesson and so did she
now it's over and i'm glad
'cause i'm a fool for all i've said
la la la la la la la la la la
and she tore my feelings like I had none
she fucking hates me

This song is about a guy and a girl who hook up. In fact they (or at least one of them) may even feel like it was destined to be. "In a trapped trip I can't grip" correlates the relationship to an illusion which has made the lover captive. He yells out "Trust!" right after "She fucking hates me" because she was merely using him as a psychological crutch or perhaps even sexual rebound. Basically, he put all his trust in her and he proclaims that "She fucking hates me" because you have to hate someone to disrespect them that badly. "She took all I ever had" can reference to money but it can also reference to giving oneself emotionally. The next lines "no sign of guilt/ no feeling of bad, no" says that she had shown no regret over this and in fact she was completely shameless. "Learned my lesson and so did she": I'm gonna make a jump and say that after the breakup they remained friends and once he figured out that she was just keeping him there as a crutch he taught her a lesson, so to speak. Or, it could be that he made the breakup harsh. His lesson is obvious. "Cause I'm a fool for all I've said" flashes back to the relationship and he regrets everything he's said to her because it was all meaningless.
I can relate to this song really well. The same exact thing happened to me. Women can be the most manipulate creatures on earth. These kinds of people will tell you that they're stupid and that they love you but it's all a lie. In fact, they may even lie about their religion or political status for greater manipulation over you. Sometimes, they do this over a period of years! Don't even bother making friends with these kind of people.

*&^@ing hilarious lyrics, and an awesome tune

I love this songgg this guy sounds so much like Kurt Cobain frm Nirvana hope they make more gr8 music like this one
yeah he does sound like Kurt. iheard them on the radio and i thought it was him for a second..but it wasn't tear
yeah he does sound like Kurt. iheard them on the radio and i thought it was him for a second..but it wasn't tear

a good pissed off song at girls

Am I the only one, or does this song remind anyone else of that song off of the movie Grease? Also kind of sounds like an Adam Sandler song, though I can't remember which one.
Other than that, I have to say this is a pretty good song. Makes me laugh!

Am I the only one who think it sounds like that one song from Grease???

The first time i heard this song on the radio i actually thought for a moment that this song sounded so much like Nirvana. I think the singer is probly trying bring back the whole grunge thing, with his music, voice, and look.
these guys do sound Nirvana, and for all the people who keep saying that " How dare we compare PoM to a "god" like Cobain, is fucken nuts. Nirvana was only cool back then. Move on people. Let It GO!
Anyways this song is dope, and any song witha good tune to it and easy to listen to is alright in my book.

frankmez whats wrong with you. oh yeah, nirvana was "only cool back then". then why are there so many damned people defending kurt cobain like hell. but i dont think it's wrong to compare his voice with kurt's. so what. goddammit.
i like this song, i like nirvana, i dont like PoM. screw all you people who wont stop bitching. and, fuck, everybody makes music for money? thats so fuckin wrong. sure some bands do but seriously not all of them. there's also fun. what's wrong with making music for fun? or revenge? huh? yah. and you dudes should all check out robin black and the intergallactic rockstars. you'd have to be crazy to call them posers and really, they go put on the most kick ass shows and then have to sleep in the streets. they make music for their fans. because that's just what they do. and they kick ass at it.
and now that im still close to the poser topic, like who defines who is a poser and who isnt? you dont know the people, so dont fucking judge them. right now since punk is the "in" thing, most everybody is going to get called a poser, probably by a poser but still, get to know the person first. god this world is fucked

What all these guys are trying to say when comparing the lead singer of POM with Kurt Cobain is the vague similarity of their grasp voices. Nothing else. I i don't think anyone has the right to criticyse POM, by saying it's just a crappy band, that in a couple of years will just disappear. For the record, few gave the attention that is given today to Nirvana at the time they appeared. So i guess no one knows...
This song is a light-moody song. It may be simple, and the lyrics may seem as they were written by a five year-old. But i think that was exactly what the song writer wanted, and had to do.
If you had been through a relationship such as this, you would've felt quite played with, and frustrated. He just made a simple song, because that girl just wasn't worth a beautiful, deep song. He just kept her image as a bitch, and wanted to play with the fact that she'd hurt him!
At least it's what i think!
It makes me laugh, well... It made him, and lots of dumped guys and girls feel better, i believe!

Me and my girlfriend have argued over the meaning of this song more than I would like. She hears it literally but I think "she" is trust personified and "trust" is who hates him. He has trust in his relationships but it only last a short time because it comes back to bite him in the ass. Everything still seams to work and I think it has more impact that way. Dont really know if POM ever actually wrote that deeply though.