Wish Me Well (Go to Hell) Lyrics

I've got to be me baby and you gotta be you
Something isn't right but I know I love you
I only want what's best
I don't know, is this some kind of test?
Yeah and you're failing, all we do is bicker
Say goodbye
Kiss my ass, I hope you die
Wish me well, you can go to hell
We were so different a short time ago
Love is suppose to make us happy, supposed to make us grow
But I just wanna punch you in the face
I love you I guess I needed the space
Oh well, another time and another place
Say goodbye
Kiss my ass, I hope you die
Wish me well You can go to hell

"So does this mean uh I really have to go?"
"Uh yeah, what part of get out didn't you understand?"
"Well I mean I was, I wanna call you or something next week"
"Um well what happens is that I won't be there 'cuz I don't like you anymore...you're stupid"
"Haha fine then I don't care, I'm leaving"
"Ok whatever bye, cya"
"Alright I'm out the door"
"Okay bye"
"Alright I'm gone, this is me leaving right now"
"Here I am, I'm gone goodbye"
"Ok cya bye"
"Can I call you next week? haha"
"What are you laughing at stupid!?"
"I'm out the door cya"
"Ok bye, god go already"
5 Meanings
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I absolutely love this song, My best friend nick and I fight like this all the time, so if we dated, this is how we would end it. I love the bouncing souls for the fact that they can have fun doing anything.

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The ending converastion REALLY reminds me of how my ex would talk... Funny girl, that preacher's daughter...

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He didn't even try to change things, what a cock. I would have gotten her back with the quickness.

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haha..such a fun song...I blasted this song for days after my ex broke up with me...so great.

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The end of this song is SO funny.

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