Everytime I loose my voice
I swallow little glowing lights
My mother and son baked for me
They do a trapeze walk
Until they're in the sky
Right above my bed
My mother and son pour into me
Warm glowing oil
Into my wide open throat
Everytime I feel a hoarseness
I swallow warm glowing lights
My mother and son baked for me, oh
They make me feel better
Everytime we loose our voices
We dream swallow little lights
Our mother and son bake for us
They do a little trapeze walk
Until they're in the sky
Right above our heads
While we're asleep
My mother and son pour into us
Pour into us
Warm glowing oil
Into our wide open throats
They make me feel better

Has anyone else noticed a recurring theme in Bjork's songs and videos of orifices, and things entering and leaving the body? I'm convinced it's not all in my head. For example:
"My mother and son pour into me / Warm glowing oil into my wide open throat" - Heirloom
"These teeth are a ladder up to his mouth" - Mouth's Cradle
"I've been filled with steam for months... My arms ooze out of my shoulders" - Vertebrae by Vertebrae
"Drink me make me feel real, wet your beak in the stream" - Bachelorette
"I'll heal you with a razorblade, I'll cut a slit open and the luminous beam feeds you" - All Neon Like
"Who would have known that a boy like him would have entered me lightly, restoring my blisses" - Cocoon
"I will take the sun in my mouth" - Sun in my mouth
And check out the videos for All is Full of Love, Cocoon, Hidden Place, Pagan Poetry, I Miss You, Army of Me, Joga...

it's think it's simply just about the love between bjork and her mother, and the love between bjork and her son.

i agree that it could be about the love between bjork and her mother, but it does this interesting switch from "i" to "we" that i at first thought was meant to represent each of the dreaming selves that experienced the same recurrent dream, but taking into consideration that the song is called "heirloom" i think noparty is probably closer to the truth. i think that "we" is supposed to be her family tree, and that the recurrent dream is life, and for this "we" voice sleep is death and the mother and son's trapeze walk and baked lights are rebirth. or maybe i'm reading way too far into it. :)

I would imagine this is about a certain time when both her Son and Mother helped her by her bed when she was ill and administered warm mix of medicine of some type for her.
She would remember this moment of close unity, especially when she feels unwell or looses her voice from sickness or strain. It may distress her.
And this has a remembrance factor for her to feel better - her closest loved ones helping her become well again. (Recurring dream)
Lyrically exciting :)
I think this song is about DMT, a very powerful and naturally occurring psychedelic drug found in many plants and in the human body. Lets do a 'line by line' analysis:
I think this song is about DMT, a very powerful and naturally occurring psychedelic drug found in many plants and in the human body. Lets do a 'line by line' analysis:
'I have a recurrent dream' Deja vu and seeing the same 'little beings' is very often associated with the hallucinations brought on by DMT.
'I have a recurrent dream' Deja vu and seeing the same 'little beings' is very often associated with the hallucinations brought on by DMT.
'Everytime I lose my voice' DMT is commonly smoked. The smoke is incredibly harsh and quite painful to inhale. It is not uncommon to lose one's voice or become hoarse for up to 24 hours after inhalation of the smoke.
'Everytime I lose my voice' DMT is commonly smoked. The smoke is incredibly harsh and quite painful to inhale. It is not uncommon to lose one's voice or become hoarse for up to 24 hours after inhalation of the smoke.
'I swallow little glowing lights' DMT effects...
'I swallow little glowing lights' DMT effects are virtually instantaneous. As the harsh smoke is inhaled, it is common to feel a distinct pleasure associated with inhalation that feels like tiny little molecular lights being swallowed. Sort of pleasure/pain experience.
'My mother and son baked for me' DMT hallucinations often make one feel as though they are transcending space and time. One feels as though they become in touch with their ancestors from the past, present, future and other dimensions. It is a common notion that DMT is produced naturally in the brain and is released in small concentration during sleep and very high concentration at birth and death.
'And during the night They do a trapeze walk' Upon the onset of a DMT induced hallucination, 'the night' if you will, one has the perception that they are crossing space/time/dimension barriers and walking a fine line between life and death.
'Until they're in the sky Right above my bed' Most DMT experiences are associated with out of body experiences as well. It is also common to feel guided by others who are familiar to the individual. Thus, when this line and the previous line are put together, they can be taken to mean that the 'mother' and 'son' are coming to guide her during the hallucination, showing her how to walk the line between what is real and unreal, between life and death.
'While I'm asleep' Almost everyone slips into an unconscious state while experiencing a DMT hallucination.
'My mother and son pour into me Warm glowing oil Into my wide open throat' The 'warm glowing oil' symbolizes the 'knowledge' one feels they have received during a DMT hallucination...a knowledge that flows through generations. It is reported that some individuals feels as though they have been 'downloaded' massive amounts of information that challenges common wisdom during a DMT hallucination.
'They make me feel so much better They make me feel better' The DMT hallucination is often associated with a sense of euphoria and enlightenment.
So, did Bjork smoke some DMT? Who knows. DMT is very intense and has inspired many artist to create in their medium. If Bjork did try DMT, it would certainly tempt her to write a clever song about the experience.
DMT is extremely intense and many people who try it once swear that they would never do it again while touting that it was one of the best and worse experience of their lives.
I am in no way promoting or condoning the use of this illegal substance. But as someone who has had the experience, Heirloom hits the nail on the head.
Even if Bjork never does or did drugs, it is quite in the realm of possibility that she had a very close friend (Console) who had tried DMT, became very excited about the experience and told Bjork about it and perhaps tempted her to try it.
OR, she is writing about Console's experience. Console is credited as co-writer on the song.

What the hell is this song about???
Its really beautiful thou...

to me, it's about love.

It's just about how amazing a family can be, right?

I think it's about speaking up for yourself. Don't lose your voice.

I think this song is about remembering our family. Whenever I hear it, it reminds me of being sick and inside on a cold winter day and having a hot bowl of soup to help you get better. In this song, I think the healing is more spiritual/emotional. When she is down, she remembers the unbreakable bonds of family and the love that will always endure. Another great song that helps me feel better.

I think this song is about remembering our family. Whenever I hear it, it reminds me of being sick and inside on a cold winter day and having a hot bowl of soup to help you get better. In this song, I think the healing is more spiritual/emotional. When she is down, she remembers the unbreakable bonds of family and the love that will always endure. Another great song that helps me feel better.