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Boat Parade Lyrics

There’s a crack in the hull
Where the penitents used to live
There’s a crack in the hull
Where the Penitents used to live
And we can make it right if we row all night
Give all that we can give
There’s a crack in the hull
Where the penitents used to live

There’s a leak in the hold
Where the infantry used to sleep
There’s a leak in the hold
Where the Infantry used to sleep
And we can make it right if we roll all night
Baby dust off your knees
There’s a leak in the hold
Where the infantry used to be

Little monsters (on the table)
Crazies here to play
Little monsters in the boat parade

There’s a hole in the hat
Where the captain kept his dreams
There’s a hole in the hat
Where the Captain kept his dreams
And we can make it right
If we sail all night
Better pray for a breeze
There’s a hole in the hat
Where the captain used to be
Song Info
Submitted by
xine On Dec 03, 2001
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Boat Parade lyrics by Five for Fighting

What im getting from this song is that its saying bad things happen (people do bad things to each other, or bad things simply happen to us) and the only way to "make it right" is to actaully Try your hardest by "giving all that you can give", taking it seriously, and committing yourself to making it better or making it up.

Little monsters (on the table) Crazies here to play Little monsters in the boat parade

I think that refers to people who "play games" with other people instea of being serious In relationships those people could be seen as "monsters", and (on the table) means their out there to be dealt with. Notice how he says "baby dust off your knees" I think he is refering this song to a relationship. Hes telling her to stop messing around and try to change her ways.

Cover art for Boat Parade lyrics by Five for Fighting

What im getting from this song is that its saying bad things happen (people do bad things to each other, or bad things simply happen to us) and the only way to "make it right" is to actaully Try your hardest by "giving all that you can give", taking it seriously, and committing yourself to making it better or making it up.

Little monsters (on the table) Crazies here to play Little monsters in the boat parade

I think that refers to people who "play games" with other people instea of being serious In relationships those people could be seen as "monsters", and (on the table) means their out there to be dealt with. Notice how he says "baby dust off your knees" I think he is refering this song to a relationship. Hes telling her to stop messing around and try to change her ways.

Cover art for Boat Parade lyrics by Five for Fighting

Bear with me...I came at this from the end of the song so it makes a little more sense (at least to me).

The ship sounds like a metaphor for the church or, since this is from the album America Town, a metaphor for the States, the U.S.

The captain's hat, where his dreams were kept, has a hole in it, so his dreams are escaping. The captain represents leadership in one form or another, which has lost it's way. There is no clear goal, or he's giving up. The captain could represent political leaders, church leaders, etc.

The infantry (where we defend ourselves) is leaky...the excuses for the leadership or the collective failings are flawed and don't make sense anymore.

The hull, where we sleep, where we're at home and looking for salvation is cracked. We might be able to make it if we paddle hard enough, but the rest of the song basically makes it feel as though we're sinking and doomed.

The little monsters could be infantry or leadership. Could the infantry be turning on us? Or turning on the captain?

Anyway...sounds like a 'state of the union' song to me. Of course, we ARE just off the 2016 election débâcle. :)