14 Meanings
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Jainy Lyrics

Jainy sells for three dimes a night
Morning helps her find her way blind
And I love her more than I can tell
Heaven help me now
Seems I found to find her just as well…

Jainy Yea…
Jainy Yea

Jainy takes me three times a night
Morning Saves me and I find my way blind
And she loves me more than she can tell
Heaven help her now
Seems she’s found to find me just as well

Jainy Yea…
Jainy Yea…

Jainy stares at stars every night
Morning takes her eyes every time
And she’ll love you more than you can tell
Heaven help us now
Seems you’ve finally found us… just as well…

Jainy Yea…
Jainy Yea…

She’ll be all right
She’ll be all right
Song Info
Submitted by
xine On Dec 03, 2001
14 Meanings
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I love this song so much I love it when they look at females problems from a male perspective and although I believe (very obviously) that it's about a prostitute that it could be any female with problems that needs that man in life to show her that she is okay nd that she will be fine.

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this is a really cool song and i love the way it sounds. i think that it is about a prostitute that has a hard life and this guy is in love with her and she doesnt really want to be selling her body but she thinks that its the only way.

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sometimes i feel like jainy...wait... nope i'm not a prostitute..that will go down as one of my biggest gaffes ever....but seriously..i feel her pain...i bet she's a lonely person who is just looking for love in all the wrong places....she'll be alright, though...and i will too..this song gives me hope...

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I can ignore the prostitute reference. I really want to find a girl named Jainy and go out with her, just so I can play this song when we fight.

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ok, prostitute thing, im pretty sure its just ananalogy, what prostitude really sells for 30 cents? Drug reference, 3 dimes of like coke or something that get him through the night. The drug gets him through and hes adicted "more than [he] can tell. Heaven help him now "seems shes found to find me just as well"- he found the drug and it wont leave him alone Jainy is really an adiction, not a real girl

sorry buddy, y would you want a song about prostitutes to be like your girlfriends song???

not 100% sure. but prostitutes dont sell that cheap. and the dime homonym is seen in more than just this song.

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I agree i think its more of a drug refrence. Like when its says morning saves me and morning takes her eyes. Its like the drug is wearing off and stuff again.

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This song is so pretty and I like it so much that I named my new kitty Jainy. I don't think that it's a song about a prostitute or drugs those are other songs this seems more about two loney people.

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This song is so gorgeous, touching, and thoughtful - classic FfF.

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Weird...it only posted the first line of my comment. OK, again: I definitely get the prostitution reference, although 3 dimes does seem a bit odd. I think the big picture of the song is more important - it's so sad but beautiful. Any ideas on the recurring theme of blindness through the song? first stanza: morning helps her find her way blind second stanza: morning saves me and I find my way blind third stanza: morning takes her eyes every time

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It seems that Jainy is blind to the fact that he loves her, even though he does. While he is blind to the fact that she loves him. So she moves on to another man who will soon be in the same situation.

My Interpretation
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