34 Meanings
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Sexy Boy Lyrics

Sexy boy, sexy boy ...

Où sont tes héros aux corps d'athlètes
Où sont tes idoles mal rasées, bien habillées

Sexy boy, sexy boy ...

Dans leurs yeux des dollars
Dans leurs sourires des diamants
Moi aussi un jour je serai beau comme un Dieu

Sexy boy, sexy boy ...

Apollon deux mille zéro défaut vingt et un an
C'est l'homme ideal charme au masculin

Sexy boy, sexy boy ...
34 Meanings
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Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy

Where are your heroes with bodies of athletes? Where are your idols? Poorly shaved, well dressed.

Sexy Boy, Sexy Boy

Money in their eyes Diamonds in their smiles Me too, one day, will be as beautiful as a god.

sexy boy, sexy boy

Apollo 2000. Zero-Defecit (or "No loss"). 21 years. It's the ideal man of charm and masculinity.

Sexy boy, sexy boy

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its not a gay song, its a satire on the greek ideal of the male form which is put in a relevant and modern (celebrity) setting!

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i think this song is about me, hehehehe

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Where are your heroes to the bodies of athletes Where your idols poorly shaved, well dressed sexy boy In their eyes of the dollars in their smile diamonds Me also a day I will be beautiful as a God sexy boy Greek god two thousand zero defect twenty-one years THIS IS the man ideal charms to the masculine one sexy boy ....

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i feel in love with this song while watching 10 things i hate about you. it's so cool, reminds me of lots of guys i know, ha ha

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If they are gay, does that make a difference to the song? Powerful use of the guitar riff

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what movie is this song in?

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10 things i hate about u

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my personal theme song.

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lololol, thats 2 perverts now, its only a fuckin joke rockinrose, clam down

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