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Beautiful Life Lyrics

You can do what you want just seize the day
What you're doing tomorrow's gonna come your way
Don't you ever consider giving up
You will find, oh oh oh

1-It's a beautiful life, oh oh oh oh
It's a beautiful life, oh oh oh oh
It's a beautiful life, oh oh oh oh
I just wanna be here beside you

And stay until the break of dawn

Take a walk in the park when you feel down
There's so many things there that's gonna lift you up
See the nature in bloom, a laughing child
Such a dream, oh oh oh
(rpt 1)

I just wanna be here beside you
And stay until the break of dawn

You're looking for somewhere to belong
You're standing all alone
For someone to guide you on your way
Now and forever
(rpt 1)

I just wanna be anybody

We're living in different ways
It's a beautiful life
I'm gonna take you to a place
I've never been before oh yeah
It's a beautiful life
I'm gonna take you in my arms and fly away
With you tonight
(rpt 1...)
8 Meanings
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i love how optimistic this song is. too often you hear songs about how much something or another sucks. while that is appropriate sometimes, we need more songs like this saying how cool life is.

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I completely agree with halfalive

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This is such a great song. It puts you in such a good mood, and takes you to a place where you can just eb happy :)

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This is one of the few songs that makes living pleasant anymore =/ we need more happy songs out there c'mon people!

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Yeah, but is it a romantic song? Or does it have to be?

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the song Gone! from The Cure its an optimistic one... listen to it :)

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Heard this song in late 90's at a country fair/carnival. Young people were on a carousel ride where the seats swing out with centrifugal force as the machine speeds up. This song was blaring. It was a sunny early autumn day. Perfect . . .

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"You can do what you want just seize the day". No! I don't agree. There are sinful, criminal disires in everyone also, so don't do anything you want. Make sure your desires are at least not sinful (not criminal). And the best is - when your desires are in accordance with ideals of saints.

There is one saying of Saint Augustine: "Just believe in God - then you can do what you want".

But there is a huge difference! If you don't accept Him, then your desires are posibly different from saintly ideals. So no, don't just do what you want. Think many times before doing what ever you desire to do!

There are different kinds of happiness according to saints, Divine scriptures. One is in goodness, another is in passion, and also - in ignorance. It is said in Bhagavad-Gita: "Asuras (Demons) do whatever they whimsically want, denying God's laws". Well, even demigods of Rigveda are called asuras, but they are praised. Ok, We were Lords Brahmas in very first human lives in this material world. We ate forbidden fruits. Snake, Devil told to Adam and Eve - eat this forbidden fruit. And you will not die. You will be like gods.

Indeed. We fell into this samsara, cycle of reincarnation, repeated birth and death. And became demigods (Brahma, Indra - master of paradise, Lord of heavenly planets - paradise). But that's falldown, comparing to our best position in the spiritual world, when we can be friends of God (or even His relatives, some can be His child, father or mother, brother, sister, wife etc). Anyway, even position of the servant in the spiritual world is better than position of the Lord in this material world. Because according to Shoperhauer, "Material world is hell, and a person is a demon - one towards another". There is a word in sanskrit "asuratva". it is translated both as divinity, godliness, saintliness and demonism, satanism as well. And Rigveda says: "Asuratvam of all demigods is one". So, holiness of all Gods is one. We were such "gods" (Brahma, Indra etc). But fell down.

Don't do what you want. At least, think first. If you do something whimsically what you want, you'll fall down. You may degrade, or even fall down to hell...

Christians frighten us with "eternal hell". Yes, this world is like hell. Everyone in material body dies, everyone here suffers: has diseases, repeatedly reborn and die, and reborn again. This is neverending. Almost eternal. And it is very scary. Like in hell. So it is indeed, kind of "never-ending, eternal hell". But no, we can all get out of this samsara, repeated rebirth and death, cycle of reincarnation. Just take to religion. If you don't believe in samsara's reality - no problem - take to chhristianity, whatever dharma/religion you take - follow it.

But atheists do not know what is dharma (religion), and what is irreligion. They don't know what is to be done. They do what they want. They feel happiness from killing some people or animals, fish, birds, cut woods. Poacher destory the world, in which we live. They are incompassionate towards other living beings. They simply do what they want. And don't take about laws. They are out of law.

I live in Ukraine. Now people are killing one another. in Donetsk, people kill their fellow countrymen... Sorry, but you can't do what you want! You can't kill people, creatures of your kind.

Hm, there are cannibals living in this world. They kill others for food. And I can understand them - they want to eat. They are very uncivilized people, and are as hungry, as lion, tiger, other similar animal. But no, people are not animals! Why are we forced to believe that people come from monkeys originally?

Those who come to the human form through the quality of goodness (sattva-guṇa) were cows in their last animal incarnation. Those who come to the human form through the quality of passion (rajo-guṇa) were lions in their last animal incarnation. And those who come to the human form through the quality of ignorance (tamo-guṇa) were monkeys in their last animal incarnation. (it is from

So, are we lions? Why do we kill one another like lions, tigers? It is said, when tiger kills a human - it is a necessity of satisfying hunger. But why, when one human kills animals in slaughterhouses - is allowed? Why hunting is even called sport? Hey, I sadly have to give a prediction, that in the end of times (end of kali-yuga), people would kill one another for food, and will call this "sport" also!

No, you can't do what you want! We should not do anything we want...

That's what I wanted to comment on the first words of the song: "You can do what you want just seize the day"

You know, in astrology, every day is a day of some demigod. Tuesday is a day of Mars, day of war god. But Mars is also sport. If you want to apply your fighting spirit - then take to martial arts, but do not kill. Or better - engage in sport

Song Meaning
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