Never Leave a Job Half Done Lyrics
Blood stains on my hands
Drag her toward the kitchen
Hide the evidence
That quitters never know
But lies can be the perfect things
If they never show
Just beneath the skin
The virtue in my veins reply
That quitters never win
That quitters never know
But lies can be the perfect things
If they never show

all right, the lyrics are kind of sadistic, what the hell, is he talking about? Still a great song, even if I don't know what he's trying to say

You gotta listen to "Winners Never Quit" in its entirety to understand the context of this tune. The entire CD tells a story and this song merely describles one scene of it. A politician rigs votes so that he would win. His wife finds out about it (this is all detailed in "Mind Of Her Own") and threatens to tell the authorities. The politician doesn't dig that and so, logically I suppose, KILLS her.

thanks for being smart mimicry, so i didn't have to explain this album for the 5 millionth time (try when your mom finds the album is like "WHAT KIND OF SICK CRAP ARE YOU LISTENING TO! yeah she didn't get the art).

Don't Forget, mimicry that God ultimately Forgives the politician after he is in jail. That is explained through "Eye on the finish line" how he is striving to get better and to repent. God forgives him in "Bad Things to such good people" and then the poitician is trying to spread the news to other people to not quit in their race and striving to not sin in "Winners Never Quit"

Also, Hey everyone look at my comments under "Mind Of her Own" not "A Mind of her Own". It explains what the whole "Winners Never Quit" CD is about. The Whole cd is a story where each song explains a part of the story. It is christian. I promise. The "Whole" ep does the same thing in that it tells a story of David Bazan's Life and addiction to drugs but repents and is forgiven!!

Think about this: He has killed his wife and his last thoughts before "Eye on the Finish Line" (where he kills himself) are "she almost ruined everything"... these are his last thoughts after killing his wife, other than if only he could've pulled off the lie! Bazan is so brilliant on this song and yet this isn't even the best part.... he ends the song with the little be-bop after the ultimate display of moral decay! I love this guy!

as people were sayin before... the whole cd tells a story and this particular song is about him killing his wife after she like squealed on him for somethin.... i think...

wait a minute tobenut85..the guy doesn't repent. he kills himself in eye on the finish line. "strange that it should end this way, but martyrs never have a say" and he also talks about seeing her in heaven SOON. and winners never quit is told from the alchoholic brother who's in jail for drunk driving...and how he was never as good as the good son (the polotician) that's why his dad is crying out to God...because his son was perfect

ya, a creepy song, but it goes with the story

Yea, i'm with Timbo the Bimbo here.
This CD isn't a story of repenting and being forgiven. It's about how religion didn't work out in the end, so he took his own life (Ironic, because, refresh me if I'm wrong, that's not a good thing to do in the Christian eyes).
I adore Pedro.