6 Meanings
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The Well Lyrics

If you could really see
Then you would ask of me
She knew the well was far too deep
For him to wet his lips
But something told her that he spoke of
So much more than all of this

If you could really see
Then you would ask of me
When he spoke, she wanted
To believe the things he said
But who could this man be
That she might never thirst again?

Her heart raced
Could he be the one we've waited for?
The one we've waited for?
6 Meanings
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This is such a beautiful deep song that its hard to analyize, but It's deffinatly one of my favs!

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its definately a deep song... i think the man described in the song is jesus... i never saw something so beautiful talking about him... :)

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this song is about the thoughts going through the mind of the woman at the well the bible story

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yeah... the first thing that came to mind was Jesus talking to the Samaritan woman...

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Just read John chapter 4.

v. 10- Jesus answered her "If you knew the girft of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you the living water."

v. 13- "Everyone who drinks this water will be thristy again, but whoever drinks the water i give him will will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring os water welling up to eternal life."

yeah you get the idea.

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Yeah, it appears that you guys have the picture.

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