The Bells Lyrics
It's got me by the reigns
I let it wreck me
Time and time again
I don't know what happened
If you're wondering where I've been
I thought I knew what I was doing
But I was wrong again
I understand, son
I understand
They always turn my head
From sheer embarrassment
I'm nearly dead
If you're wondering where I've been
I thought I knew what I was doing
But I was wrong again
I understand, son
I understand
I don't know what you all think about the meaning of this song. I think that it means that the hunger is the lusting after women. The women always cause him to turn his head. I think that it has almost killed him because he has either acted on the lust and had sex with the women or is tempted very strongly to. Dad could either be God or his earthly father. God understands because he always forgives. His earthly father understands lusting because all guys are tempted to do look at women unrespectably. What do you all think. I would like to know?
"the fairer gender they always turn my head from sheer embarrassment i'm nearly dead"
it's obviously about lust and women, and how embarrassed he is that he has fallen into it just as all the other men have in the world
Sounds like a boy who is sex-trapped and despite being warned by his father, he lets himself fall back into it time and time again.
Too true. <Pedro3.
I would definately say its God. If for no other reason than I don't make promises to my earthly father to not lust. So, yeah I also think its about lust and sex. I didn't get the "i'm nearly dead" part.
I really really like this song, maybe because of pure relational meanings to me. Lust is hard for 18 year old guys who are trying not to. You feel so wrong and guilty. Satan would have you believe that your dead to God... maybe that's what he's saying, but you feel so very distant. But that's not what God wants. He hit it on the head "i understand, son". We're going to sin and probably do the same one a lot... but He's not leaving you... ahhh good feelings good song.
i agree with most of you about this song being about lusting after women. but i can also see what 'shirts and gloves' is thinking about this song being about a drug problem. i, too, went through a drug problem and lied to my father about it. i can totally relate to the line 'hunger drives me, its got me by the reins, i let it wreck me time and time again.'
but yes, the second verse definately leads me to believe that this song is more about lust for women than anything else.
the first time i heard the song, i was kind of half-listening, and all i caught was the chorus, and it kind of reminded me of the story of the prodigal son. after listening more thoroughly, though, i reached the popular conclusion.
Oh, but the Prodigal Son is an excellent thing to be reminded of by this song! The story is basically about the same thing as this song.
I share the view that this song is related to the Parabole of the Prodigal Son. FOr example, someone mentioned that he or she didn't understand the "I'm nearly dead" part – coincidentially or not, the "father" character in that parabole says that "(...) For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found". Also, Pedro the Lion has christian thematics, so there's a high probability of that being true, I'd say.