Of Up and Coming Monarchs Lyrics

Sunken ships rest upon the ocean floor
Where I've made my home to dodge the draft once more
There once was a time one could flee to the North
But Canada's not what she used to be
Boycott the war, well, she couldn't afford to
Thanks to the new American queen
Swim with me and we'll escape all the trouble of the present age
Finally free
Mermaids teach us how to breath beneath
The line that now divides action from apathy
7 Meanings
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Awesome song... I have no idea what it's about except avoiding some conflict, but it's awesome none-the-less.

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i'm not completely sure... but it almost sounds like he is killing himself. i guess that it could be taken in different ways, as can basically any song. "sunken ships rest upon the ocean floor where i've made my home to dodge the draft once more." there's many references to war and "living" on the ocean floor. so i'm thinking perhaps he drowned himself to avoid fighting in the war because he didn't want to flee to canada.

it's the only explanation i could get out of this song. often mr. bazaan leaves me in a quandary with his lyrics :\ if you agree or disagree... post, im or pm me... wanna know what you all think :)

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i think in alot of ways this song is about how we can escape politics and alot of what makes the bad come out of us. It used to be one could flee to Canada for protection but it also talks alot about, in metaphor mind you, how the united states has taken over us ( Canada ) with it's power and politics. The line is the border... they are action, we are apathy. There's alot more but you can figure it out.

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On first listen it seems that it's a song talking about American's during World War II dodging the draft by fleeing to Canada. But Bazan goes on to talk about how Canada isn't what she used to be because thanks to America they could no longer boycott the war and had to fight as well, thusly the American's would have no where to flee to. I'm not sure what this song is saying on a deeper level, which is curious for a Pedro song, since it's never that hard to find the deeper meaning. I'm puzzled.

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i think this song is about just not wanting to be a part of any wars. he doesnt want to be drafted but he cant escape to canada anymore so what can he do? only thing left to do is flee to the water. then he ever so kindly invites us all to go with him to the water where we can be free, free to make our own decisions too. i know im getting the hell out of here if the draft comes. why should we have to go kill someone if we dont want to?!!?!?!?! and what if we dont believe in the cause, because what cause is good enough for war? oh oh i know! none

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This song is about alot of things. Not only the war but also America in general, and the direction we are heading as a nation. When I saw David play he would talk alot about his children and how sad it is to raise kids in this country with the current politics and issues going on.

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It just seems to be about escape in general. With the the whole America/Canada thing a metaphor.

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