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Sour Lyrics

Mellow out! Bitch.

I thought I knew ya, took the time to throw my lovin' to ya.
Screw ya 'cause now you got me sittin' in the sewer.
I'm through with all them rollercoaster rides,
See, I ain't forgot about the knots that you been tieing with my insides.
I dropped my pride, without you I was sure to die.
I tried with cash and all I could, to make it last.
Now I accept that that was in the past,
I know you love me, you loved me like a piece of trash.

But at first you were so sweet,
Couldn't go without seein your face for an hour. So sour.
It all became a hassle you were even livin' in my castle
Just to use me and verbally abuse me.
That's not the way I'm running my shop,
It took a while to see the light before I stopped and you got dropped off.
It's over, probably I'll be sweating it
But in the long run you'll be the one regrettin' it.
Maybe you won't, maybe you willm
But baby, you're still about as real as a three dollar bill.

There's no one to blame but you,
Look at them blame me.
No one to blame but you,
Look at them blame me.

Oh oh. I sound like a bitch, a little bitch in heat
With all that anger that I'm feelin', bitch, I think it's heat.
Another spit tale, just another spit tale,
Thanks for the lesson now get your shit and hit the trail.
We know I'm coming from the old school, you damn fool,
Intensity is something that I'm made of
And certainly I'm not afraid of a little smack in the face,
Thanks for that taste.

There's no one to blame but you,
Look at them blame me.
No one to blame but you,
Look at them blame me.

It's all on me.
There's no one to blame.
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9 Meanings

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Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

this song is about when him and his girlfreind were living together,and he was supporting her. They would get into arguments,and she would say everything she could to hurt him. One day he just told her to get her bags and hit the road.

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

well i dnont want to tell about the song i jsut wnat to say that its my fav limp video ever.......

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

i think that fred is makeing a song called sour because corey taylors band stone sour i guess fred figures if he does something like corey he might sell some fuckin records

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

Well, actually, retard...this song came out first, back in '97. Ya think maybe the title could have something to do with the fact that he says SOUR in the song? How bout you not come to bash bands that you know nothing about to fill the void in your pathetic life. And I'm fairly certain that, regardless of the hatred for Fred, Limp Bizkit has sold a lot more records than Stone Sour or Slipknot. Not bashing, I love all 3 bands...I'm just proving what a fucking idiot you are.

On a more calm note...I love this song. It's the first one I heard by them back in the day, and I've been hooked since. Chocolate Starfish is the ONLY bad Limp Bizkit album, like it or not. Any REAL musician (escpecially a drummer) can tell you that this is an extremely talented band...they just made one bad choice...and that was releasing that pile of shit 3rd album.

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

This is one of my favorite limp bizkit songs....it's a pretty cool hip/hop song with cool guitar sounds. It's about Fred Durst's girlfriend being an asshole and Fred telling her to "pack her shit and hit the trail.

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

hahahahah fucking dumbass

sour from 3db in 97

STUCK you dont even know

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

who went 5x platinum in 2000?

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

That's cos they went fuckin pop, and started appearing on fuckin shitv (mtv) and plus look at them, just listen to their shitty music, and eveyrone hates them now, they are horrible, crappy pop shit, who gives a fuck about how many cds theyve fuckin sold? That doesn't mean a thing, Stone Sour and Slipknot woukd not appear on some shit tv show like mtv, shut the fuck, oh yeah, they also sold more than shitswitch engage

Cover art for Sour lyrics by Limp Bizkit

Anti-Punk has just proved that he is a complete dumbass. Have you ever heard of "Unquestionable Truth Part 1? no you have not. Do you no what band it is from?no you have no idea. Well I'll tell you, it is Limp Bizkit album make in 2005. (they have not even released a single from that album).

anti-punk besides being a complete fuktard you have also proved yourself a sheep. It has now become cool to hate Limp and you are just following the crowd just like them. So stop complaining about Limp Bizkit when you don't know a second thing about music genre's and Limp.