no one else has commented on this song so i figured i would! I LOVE BRANDSTON. umm i dont know what else to say about that. except that i understand what he means in the lyrics. and i wish i didnt

anotheremogeek has the right idea =[...
Brandtson = Smile Machine

this is one of my fave brandtson songs. rock on to anotheremogeek & simplisticdreams!!

Thanks for postin this song, I was looking for the lyrics for a really long time. I think this song is awesome and brandston is kick ass.

this song is so great... the accoustic version is awesome too! has anyone else yeard it?

yesss i love this song so much. this was the first brandtson song i ever heard and from then on, i've been in love with them. :)

yesss i love this song so much. this was the first brandtson song i ever heard and from then on, i've been in love with them. :)


who did the acoustic version of this song anyways??

i heart brandtson.....