19 Meanings
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Crownless Lyrics

Crownless again shall be the queen
Trophy on her grave remains unseen
A boat on the river confessing the sins
The Riddler revealing the deep hidden things
Crownless again shal be the king
A gull covered in oil with a broken wing
A hitcher on a road alone and lost
Iron sharpens iron.... - a truth that once was
Mine is the Earth and the sword in the stone
Mine is the throne for the idol
One fleeting moment and it is all gone
Crownless again
Will I fall?
Roaming on razor-sharp castles
Ruling all but myself
(Now my night is laid to sleep)
One fragrant rose worth ten times what I am
A crippled begging a coin braver I never was
Reflection from me -Devil dressed in white
Chasten the being
Become what I once was
Mine is the earth.....

By Fistan Majere
19 Meanings
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"Arrogant, egoistic people make me sick! Those people who have been given a crown but can't carry it properly. Nothing is everlasting and the fall can be very sudden. I think we all should keep that in mind and be proud of the things we have achieved in a positive way." -Tuomas.

thats what tuomas said about the lyrics and the meanings of the song.

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ItTakesAShoob, you should dig a little deeper and put some thought into these things before accussing true artists such as Tuomas of not thinking about their lyrics and poor songwriting. The gull is a symbol of opportunism and taking advantage of what others have built. The "gull covered in oil" is not a victim of an oil spill, but an opportunistic person "anointed" as king or queen, and the "broken wing" suggests that their achievement will be their downfall, as they have no wisdom or talent other than manipulation that brought them to this point. The responsibility that comes with true power weighs too heavily on them.

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I think it's about people that have been put up on a pedestal without having really done anything to deserve it. They often tend to get arrogant and self-obsessed,but don't realise that in a blink of an eye, everything can fall from under them.

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The very best nightwish song with such good instruments at the beginning that I can't tell if it's Guitar or synthesizers!

Umm it's actually both...

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its funny in a way. this song talks about how arrogant and self-absorbed (some) people become when they receive power. I bet he didn't know that he was foreshadowing how nightwish was gonna wind up five years later....you know with Tarja becoming a diva and all that.

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whatever happened to Tarja? she's not part of the band anymore right?

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I second "ItTakesAShoob"'s question. Who is the Riddler? Tuomas mentions the Riddler in several songs, and there is, of course, the one dedicated to The Riddler. =/

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i love this song. the chorus kind of sounds like the opening to a tv show... it also sounds a lot like spit on your grave, by sinergy...

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I think "the Riddler" is a personification of the desire to question everything in life...just like the "Child" in Nightwish is a personification of the idea of innocence. In the song "The Riddler" Toumas talks about how the desire to question everything can lead only to madness...he says ignorance (or acceptance) is the key...also he is perhaps saying that if there were answers to everything then there would be nothing for the poet to imagine. Has no one else noticed that the quote "Crownless Again Shall Be King" is a quote from Lord of the Rings by Tolkien? I think he is making a play on the meaning of that...he also makes reference to several other books "Iron, Sword in stone, etc..."

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I'm reviving this thread. This is my favourite Nightwish song. I'm going to take home what Astreides1701 wrote and try to grasp the concept of the song. I think there's always more than one way to look at things, and I like how you've interpreted the song.

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