23 Meanings
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Come Cover Me Lyrics

Come wet a widow's eye
Cover the night with your love
Dry the rain from my beaten face
Drink the wine the red sweet taste of mine
Come cover me with you
For the thrill
Till you will take me in
Come confort me in you
Young love must
Live twice only for us
For me
For you
Time devours passion's beauty
With me
With you
In war for the love of you
(Tonight any dreams will do)
Not a world but your fine grace
Seduction in sleepwalker's land
November dressed in May on your face
Holding us now the lovercropper's hand
Come cover me.....

By Fistan Majere
23 Meanings
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'wet a widow's eye' is from shakespeare sonnet 9, which is about marriage. 'Dry the rain from my beaten face' is also from shakespeares sonnet 34 ,which is kinda about being betrayed. I do think this song is about love, but maybe thats just my naive wishful thinking :) either way, its still a great song.

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tarja or whoever this song is about fell deeply in love with someone and is asking this person to be with her, and to fall deeply in love with her, because she will be very happy with him

I can bet it's about Tuomas. ;)

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haven't read all the others, so this might have been said. could it be about a relationship ending due to an affair? from quote "Young love must/Live twice only for us" is the new beginning for them after the incident. "Time devours passion's beauty" that could be the reason for the affair, their love faded over time. Or maybe there was no affair and they are trying to prevent it from happening "In war for the love of you" this could mean she suspects he is being unfaithful.

Tuomas is a genius. I'm probably wrong with this, but he is a god.

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I'd like to think this song is about love/lust happy stuff... But it has sinister undertones that just creep me out a little... "wet a widow's eye" "beaten face"

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its more like:

this girl was in a relationship with this one guy and even though she really loved him and all that, it just didn't work out and the realtionship ended.

but she never got over it and all she wants now is for him to leave the new girl that he's with now, ( in war for the love of you)

and to come back to her. (young love must/ live twice only for us)

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I think it's about rekindling the romance in an old relationship where all passion has died.

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just like every other nightwish song, this is a good one...beautiful :)

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I absolutely love the soft beginning, the flute adds an atmospheric opening to it, good song!

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i love this song! talk about sexual undertones. i don't know, but if you look at this part of the chorus:

Come COVER ME WITH YOU for the thrill till you will TAKE ME IN

though it's just a part of the song, it tells a lot especially being the chorus and judging that this was written by Tuomas and Emppu,who are men, hmmmm till you will take me in is something! or maybe it's just me being green. ^_^

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It's about a romance that has died.

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