8 Meanings
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Tutankhamen Lyrics

As the sun sets beyond the pyramids
To greet me with its rays
I place my hand on my forehead
To see your chariots' flames

Watch me kneel before you
Hear the cats meowing in the temple
They yearn the milk you cascaded
As I yearn that promised treasure

Treasure of
I am the one it is
Take me with you
through the stargate
To the valley of the kings

Sacrifice me
And let me be your queen
Take me
Tonight and always
We´ll breed to fill all earth

Three milleniums it took me to guard your rest
Your slumber in mighty Phoenix´s nest
But tonight the darkness in the tomb has perished
For Carter has come to free my beloved

(Repeat chorus)

By Fistan Majere
8 Meanings
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Well, in reply to elisandra, although the connection is there, the album "Angels Fall First" was recorded in 1996, and Stargate SG1 first came on air in 1997, so the Carter reference probably came from a reference to Howard Carter who discovered/first opened Tutankhamen's tomb.

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Actually, although the tv series didn't come out until 1997, the original "Stargate" movie was released in 1994, so I do believe that is what the reference is to. I can't imagine what the line "Take me with you through the stargate" would mean without that context. Especially since the goal of the G'ould race was to "breed to fill all the earth". However, there is no character in stargate called Tutankhamen. Thanks for the info on Carter, though, that is very cool, I didn't know that...:)

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very very good

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this is a very intriguing song. makes me want to delve deeper into my egyptian heritage.

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I'm surprised that no one has commented about this -

At first I thought the song was just about egypt and that the Stargate was a coincidence, but then I heard her sing 'Carter' who is a character from Stargate SG-1. I'm still not sure what the relevance is, but it certainly is a reference to SG-1.

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I dunno...I think maybe it is Howard Carter who first opened his tomb. It would fit the context of King Tut and the Egyptians better.

Although, having never watched Stargate my opinion's based on what I know XD I'll research more mythology to see if stargate comes up in there if anyone wants

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The song is about Tutankhamen the egiptian Pharaoh and his death.When a Pharaoh die he is buried with his treasures and his family.

And about the stargate like in The Pharaoh Sails To Orion it is a gate through the stars not a portal.The egiptians beleaved that the soul of the Pharaoh fly to Orion when he die and his family is buried with him to life forever together.

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well i think that it is aabout a girl who fell deeply in love with tutankhamen and who wants to be by his sife even if she has to die for him

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