19 Meanings
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Angels Fall First Lyrics

An angelface smiles to me
Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
Farewell - no words to say
beside the cross on your grave
and those forever burning candles

Needed elsewhere
to remind us of the shortness of our time
Tears laid for them
Tears of love, tears of fear
Bury my dreams, dig up my sorrows
Oh, Lord why
the angels fall first

Not relieved by thougts of Shangri-La
Nor enlightened by lessons of Christ
I´ll never understand the meaning of the right
Ignorance lead me into the light

(Repeat chorus)

Sing me a song
of your beauty
of your kingdom
Let the melodies of your harps
caress those whom we still need

Yesterday we shook hands
My friend
Today a moonbeam lightens my path
My guardian

By Fistan Majere
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

A young woman dies, and the POET wishes to get a glimpse of the Heaven she's in to gain comfort from the thought, slight as it may be. And try to remember that the singer has next to nothing to do with the meaning - it's Tuomas who wrote the lyrics!

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

My understanding is that songs are not written for the listener to know and understand the meaning of the song that the writer interpretes. Songs are written for us to make our own interpretations and understandings and to share them with one another. That is what makes a song truly beautiful. So we are all right about song meanings in our own unique and wonderful ways.

I believe that this song is about the loss of innocence. Looking back on your life after you have truly suffered the deepest of pains. Wondering why in the world you were punished and tormented to the point that you can no longer see the world through the eyes of a blissful innocent child who believed that anything is possible and that the silver lining always remains. That the deep dark world has taken you completely and utterly to the depths of hell and there is no going back now. That child is long gone. Oh Lord why, the Angels fall first...

My Interpretation
Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

i cant belive no one made a comment 4 this song i think it is very beautiful, and it means that humans live in a monoton lifestyle, not sure bout that, though

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

It's a beautiful song about death, maybe the death of a child? It sounds to me as if she is grieving for someone she has lost and is looking for (and not finding) comfort.

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

I'm not sure but I agree that this song is about a child dying or a very pure innocent person , or 'angel'. The singer is upset w. this person for dying but realizes that they are now watching over her. Maybe , but i'm not sure...

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

I think it's about someone that hasn't done anything wrong in all his/hers life, dying a sudden and unfair death. Some kind of a "good guys finish last" concept...

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

Beautiful song indeed. I'd have to agree with binni on the meaning.

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

I believe that this song tells of how it seems that the people that we need on this world (the angels) die before it seems to be their time. People who ruin and destroy the earth or commit crimes and in general harm the inhabitants of earth always seem to stay around. There is a neverending supply of evildoers, while all of the angels leave earth before their work is finished.

Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

I agree with Kenyan... I don't think it's supposed to be about one specific person or anything... I think it's jsut about everything in general... How the good fades away while the bad lasts and lasts... And then in the end how we always harp over the good... "Oh in the good ol' days..." I don't even think it is about life and death.. Just a kind of... The good vs. bad...


Cover art for Angels Fall First lyrics by Nightwish

this is a sad song about missing someone. Its complaining why good people are the one to suffer...its also saying even after their death good people still can inspire us....great song, great lyrics and her vocal just makes it better...