Little James Lyrics
They Always seem to look to us
We were ment to be grown ups
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while to us
Have you ever played with plastercine
Or even tried a trampoline
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while to us
and thats all
'Cos it wont be long
before everyone is gone
You swam the ocean like a child
Life around us was so wild
Thank you for your smile
You make it all worth while to us
and thats all
'Cos it wont be long
before everyone is gone

I heard this song was Liam singing to his stepson or something. Can anyone clarify that?

Yes, it was written by Liam, about his stepson.

This song goes to prove that this guy is absolutely rounded and the best musician since John Lennon in my opinion, Little James is the son Patsy Kensit & Jim Kerr of well known Scottish Band Simple Minds where he was lead vocalist, Jim was also married Chrissy Hynd of the Pretenders before that,. So little James has had a few masters teaching him the way----- we watch this space James. Oh aye I think the song is brilliant and that it rings a lot of similar bells globally-thanks Liam

as the boys of Oasis have always done they sometimes borrow from the Beatles. This song seems to be heavily influenced by "Hey Jude".

Brad.... i agree... this song is junk.

Liam can not write songs... but nevertheless it's a sweet thing for him to do.

This song just stinks. I love Oasis but the main songwriter of Oasis was, is and will always be Noel Gallagher. Liam can't really write songs -I agree with Eatcarpet-. The only decent song that Liam brought us was Songbird from HC and it's not as good as the main highlights in the album -composed, obviously, by Noel-. In Don't Believe The Truth Liam seems to have improved his songwriting skills but it's still too far from Noel's skills. The best non-Noel song of DBTT is Andy Bell's song: Turn Up The Sun, a great rockin' song. It has the same opening effect in DBTT that the song "The Hindu Times" has in the album Heathen Chemistry.

He was probably sober when he wrote it

This song is not junk! It's not the best song ever, but it's enjoyable. Stop getting your opinions fed to you. It's great.

Yeah i saw an interview with Liam, he said it's about his step-son. He also said he wrote it in 10 minutes, which is obvious because its shit. It sounds like a childlike rhyming scheme. He should just stick to singing, in which he is extremely talented, leave the songwriting to Noel.