8 Meanings
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Architecture of Aggression Lyrics

Born from the dark,
In the black cloak of night
To envelop its prey below,
Deliver to the light
To eliminate your enemy,
Hit them in their sleep,
And when all is won and lost,
The spoils of wars are yours to keep

Great nations built from the bones of the dead,
With mud and straw, blood and sweat,
You know your worth when your enemies
Praise your architecture of aggression

Solo - Marty

Ensuing power vacuum,
A toppled leader dies
His body fuels the power fire,
And the flames rise to the sky
One side of his face a kiss,
The other genocide
Time to pay with your ass,
A worldwide suicide

Solo - Marty

Born from the dark,
In the black cloak of night
To envelop its prey below,
Deliver to the light
To eliminate your enemy,
Hit then in their sleep,
And when all is won and lost,
The spoils of war are yours to keep

8 Meanings
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Weren't all great civilizations "built from the bones of the dead"?

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"That was inspired by a book actually titled The Architecture Of Aggression, about the underground facilities used during the Nazi reign of terror. Many people have died in the architecture of a lot of countries. Yet it's just the leaders who are noted as so great in the struggle. The bible talks about the brick makers who stomped the mud and straw and would be left to die in the mud pits. Ultimately, the bricks would be made out of their sweat and blood." (Mustaine, 1992)

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How did he come up with this one? The mans a genius.

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Blindrider, Didn't Dave Mustaine invent Metalica's sound?

I agree with altd2, this song is inspired, like all the others on this album. I think of it as a reminder that history repeats its gruesome self. The parallels that this song (and all on countdown to extension) has with American foreign policy is poignant. But its also spookily prophetic... this is Iraq War 2 (and the occupation of Iraq) written about 10 years early.

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Without giving it hours of thought, my first guess is this song is about the leader of another country invading another, and taking it over (ie.. US/Iraq present day).

"To envelop its prey below, Deliver to the light"

The invading country's leader (we'll call him Leader #1) decides he knows what's best for this other country, so he sets out to take them over and take the defending leader (we'll call him Leader #2) over.

"Great nations built from the bones of the dead"

Basically saying "I know a lot of people are gonna have to die, but think of it, it's gonna be so great after we assume power and rebuild"

"You know your worth when your enemies Praise your architecture of aggression"

Obviousley the invading country is much more powerful than the defending, and may be more powerful than any other country for that matter. This means these other countrys have no chance of defending, or suppressing leader #1, thus giving #1 the the feeling of worth and power.

"A toppled leader dies His body fuels the power fire"

Just that, #1 takes down #2 quick style. #2 going down so easy leads #1 to believe he is unstoppable, thus must go after more leaders/people.

"One side of his face a kiss, The other genocide"

On one side (let's use GWBush for example) he is praised as baing a great leader, and is very much admired, on the other side, he is power hungry, and will spare no expense or life for his cause.

"Time to pay with your ass, A worldwide suicide"

Meaning the world is not gonna stand by and watch #1 continue his heinus acts, therefore causing a world war of epic proportions.

That's my quick evaluation of it anyway....

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"the very beginning of this song is a total rip off of the beginning to metallica's "one" "

Dipshit. They're just both inspired by war. No band has a monopoly on stock audio they use in their songs. It's a generic sound clip to give us an idea of what the songs about. The music isn't even similar and neither is the subject matter of the two songs. I guess Metallica totally ripped of Iron Maiden and countless other bands who've put that in their music as well. Assholes need to stop drawing connections between Megadeth and Metallica that aren't there.


EVERYONE knows that Megadeth was only made cuz Dave was butthurt and wanted to rip off their band. Oh yes, everybody wants to rip off Metallica.


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Blindrider, Didn't Dave Mustaine invent Metalica's sound?

I agree with altd2, this song is inspired, like all the others on this album. I think of it as a reminder that history repeats its gruesome self. The parallels that this song (and all on countdown to extension) has with American foreign policy is poignant. But its also spookily prophetic... this is Iraq War 2 (and the occupation of Iraq) written about 10 years early.

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the very beginning of this song is a total rip off of the beginning to metallica's "one"

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