21 Meanings
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Take No Prisoners Lyrics

Got one chance, infiltrate them
Get it right, terminate them
The Panzers will, permeate them
Break their pride, denigrate them
And their people, retrograde them
Typhus, detriate them
Epidemic, devastate them
Take no prisoners, cremate them

Going to war, give'em hell
D-Day, next stop Normandie
Beginning of the end
We know how to and sure as shit we'll win
War is peace sure man
A retreat for the damned
A playground for the demented
A heaven for those who walk this world
Bereft of heart and soul
Love and war they say all is fair
Take his life
But won't take his hair
Your body has parts your
Country can spare
By the way son here's
Your wheelchair

He once had to be all he could be
Now he's nothing for no one nowhere to see
Funny thing, he's like you and me
It's a funny thing, a funny thing
Tears streak his solemn stare
Abandoned for wreckage nobody cares
No one knew what would happen there
No one spoke no one even dared
Don't ask what you can do for your country
Ask what your country can do for you
Take no prisoners, take no shit
21 Meanings
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Oddly enough this hasn't been mentioned, I though it would be one of the first to be mentioned. In John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech, Kennedy came out with the infamous passage (I'm not even American and I know this by the way); "Ask not, what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

So Mustaine twisted this to create one of the best lyrics in all of Thrash Metal, and my personal favourite; "Don't ask what you can do for your country - ask what your country can do for you."

It's such an awesome, hard hitting line in it's fashion, perfect for the song and mentality of Thrash. Take no prisoners, take no shit!

for sure best line

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This song is indeed about World War II. It was not until after the album was recorded that Mustaine realised that, since lead guitarist Friedman is Jewish, having him sing about the Panzer divisions may have been somewhat insensitive.

@Porch No shit!

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Marty Friedman left the band a long time after that and that was because, aparently as he says on VH1 behind the music, "Im not a big fan of thrash metal, i love rock and pop""if you wanna be in megadeth your music has to be gun-shot grey, i like to paint my music with Blue's and Red's and Yellows" wat a fag. But yeah him singing back up vocals to this was pretty bad for him cause he is a jew and it has references to nazi tanks and shit. freakin great song though.

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"Don't ask what you can do for your country Ask what your country can do for you"

one of the best lyrics in the whole album.

Im guessing this is a song about World War 2.

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Try listening to Cacophony, then call Marty Friedman a fag. He knows more about music than you ever will.

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This song is about German's invading Poland and attacking with the Blitzkrieg and it's also talking about how the Jew's were killed "Take no prisoners, cremate them"

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man what a scab, the Germans

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good song though

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good song though

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man, as good as he his its just a song. if he got upset everytime someone mention WWII or the Holocaust hed be too busy crying to be in a band.

but aside from my views on him, this song kicks so much ass. obviously about WWII. hard as hell to play on the guitar.

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