7 Meanings
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Chosen Ones Lyrics

You doubt your strength or courage
Don't come to join with me
For Deth surely wants you
With sharp and pointy teeth
An animal so vicious
No others fought and won
So on the fields of battle
We are the chosen one
Human bones blanket the dirt
of the heathens lair
That we must pass this den of deth
The only path from here
But I walk in the light
The time to die has come
No one shall take my life
I'm of the chosen ones
Black shadows till the sky
As the creatures eyes grow near
Raise the shield of the holy pilgrims
High into the air
Heavens powers fill my arms
Onward now to fight I'm sent
Oh the beast is coming
To put you to the test


Now this land is mine to pilage
Rape, and steal, and take at will
Never let you cross this path
I reign, for now, I say to Kill
7 Meanings
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This song is about the Crusades, which took place in Europe during the 13th Century. At that time, armies of Holy Templars were travelling the land and running off(or worse) everyone who was not of Christian faith. The fact that these warriors were guilty of doing the same things that they were against is the basis of this song. The knights were killing killers and pillaging pillagers.

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Odd as it is, El Chupacabra is right. This is the speech given at the entrance to the cave of the killer rabbit:

"But follow only if you are men of valour. For the entrance to this cave is guarded by a monster, a creature so foul and cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived. Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair... therefore sweet knights if you may doubt your strength or courage come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty pointy teeth."

Compare that to the lyrics of the song...wiggy.

Thanks to Realms of Deth for the info.

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thats kinda close dood...actually he writes on the remaster that its about monty pythons: quest for the holy grail...the bit with the killer rabit. yep.

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I love the riff

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I always use the Realms of Deth for the meanings for these guys songs.

Nevertheless, amazing song and just as Metal_Up_Ya_Ass_Jay pointed out, I also love the riff. Maybe I can try convince my friend that we should learn this song on guitar after we're done with what we're learning now.

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Its about monty python and the holy grail

Dave borrowed the line "death surely awaits you, with sharp and pointy teeth" from the movie The Holy Grail.

In the liner notes, Mustaine confirms longtime speculation that "Chosen Ones" was partially inspired by Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python & the Holy Grail, adding some sly humor to a usually dour genre

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Killer rabbit from "Monty Python."

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