8 Meanings
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Creation Lyrics

Xou don't understand my views, or what it is I see
Nothing you say is news cause you wouldn't listen to me
You take my words out of context, your message of wrong is right
What are you gonna tell us next, that dark is day not light?

Creation! is proof enough for me
Something that's there for everyone to see

You watch the wrong example then conclude a falacy
Your hasty generalization is there for all to see
My actions you speak of is easier said than done
The hope that God see's in you has got you on the run.
8 Meanings
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this is about how people look for concrete proof of God's existence, but everything that surrounds us is proof of His existence. sorry, i hope i don't sound too preachy but this is my view on it:

"You watch the wrong example then conclude a falacy"-this is talking about how people look at the small-minded hypocritical Christians and assume that they are all fakes and get the wrong idea about what a Christian shoud be.

"My actions you speak of is easier said than done"-this is talking about how its easier to say that u are a christian but its hard to actually be one. people think that christians are supposed to be perfect examples but that is impossible.

"You take my words out of context, your message of wrong is right"-so many people twist the bible around and make it appear closed-minded and wrong. in the movie where the heart is, a girl has a child out of wedlock. a group of people claiming to be christians sends her a hate letter saying that the baby is an abomination. this is a twisted image of christian values that some people send out to others. sorry that was the only example i could think of.

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yea, this is true, evolution isnt

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you can be a christian and believe in evolution. some people believe that God created the world through evolution. i wouldnt doubt that mxpx believed this as well.

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i would. evolution is crap. its got so many flaws its a joke. God created the universe and anyone who says otherwise is sadly mistaken. MxPx obviously are creationists. "Creation! is Proof Enough for Me!" God didn't need Evolution to create the universe; He's God, Duh!

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I'm sorry, but could you explain to me how flaws in the evolution theory outnumber flaws in creationism?

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I'm sorry, but could you explain to me how flaws in the evolution theory outnumber flaws in creationism?

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Yeah oidimed, evolution is crap, it's all a lie that was invinted just to escape God.

This song is just MxPx explaning in the most simple way so that even those idiots who do believe in evolution will understand that thay themselves don't believe that fake crap. Don't try to turn this around it's so plan and simple.

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They are stating what they believe in, and in noway are they saying that they believe in evolution. They are saying that just look around us and see that this couldn't be an accident that someone had to create all we see.

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