Overcome in time
I'm taking what is mine
Tenemos que pelear
I'm finding myself going nowhere
Is this a mistake?
I cannot relate to what is fake
For opening eyes and digging in deep?
Is this what I get for being reborn from the norm?
I don't want to feel unreal
What have I become, born under the sun?
Planets will converge for you
To open my eyes and stare in the face
To learn from what's real
I'm trying to deal, but it's worthless…
For opening eyes and digging in deep?
Is this what I get for being reborn from the norm?
I don't want to feel unreal
What have I become, born under the sun?
Planets will converge for you
El tempo que pesa nos tumba la mesa
Y ahora que es nuestro, mi vida te apuesto,
bet my life!
I don't want to feel unreal
What have I become, born under the sun?
Planets will converge for you
I don't want to shine!
I don't want to feel!
Light will make us blind
I don't want to feel unreal

i love the lyrics for this song esp the part - Nothing is all, I thought I was there I'm finding myself going nowhere Is this a mistake? I cannot relate to what is fake
Is this what I get for learning to speak? For opening eyes and digging in deep? Is this what I get for being reborn from the norm?
wow ill nino is so fucking awesome! i heard this is going to b their next single anyone kno when it will come out?

yea this song is going to be the third single from Revolution Revolucion, my guess is it will be released around July. It's a kick ass song, better What Comes Around, but nothing can beat God Save Us!

isnt it wheres my life and not bet my life?

great song and great video too you can download the video from:

...haven't seen the video yet...

i have now, they edited most of the screaming and the actual song sounds a bit different from the one on the album.

Can anyone translate the spanish accurately? They are as kickass as they come, though so many people i know haven't heard of them.

I think it could be about someone trying to change themself but not wanting to feel fake or to "shine". I wonder what shine could be, sticking out? or being liked? Anyway i think this person dosen't want to be in the spotlight. OR This person is different from everyone else and they are trying to find the truth out about something or someone and that person or thing is too complicated. Thats just what i get from it but yours might be different.

i heard a version of this song where he doesn't scream at all. there's also a piano during the second part of the chorus. i think it sounds a lot better and even more powerful than the cd version. it was on a sample cd for ozzfest one year i believe. anyway, my favorite ill nino song by far.

the spanish El tempo que pesa nos tumba la mesa Y ahora que es nuestro, mi vida te apuesto. means The tempo that weighs us tomb the table AND now that is ours, my life you handsome, I believe. This song is nearly amazing im not to sure what it means tho.