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Azwethinkweiz Lyrics

Floatin' 'round my brain, tryin' to think about the other thing.
Than that thought you know I'm considering.
What if what I thought, about who I think I thought I was, was nothing more than my cerebellum slobbering?
Azwethinkweism is hard to think about, but simple to trust.
You'll know yer on it when your brain won't stop to take a break, no!
So when donut boy comes askin' around, tryin' to figure out somethin' new, you just smile and say, "Pardon you!
I'm sitting through some particles and farcing through some folds.
I've stumbled upon a brain fart which melts away you molds!"
SO I think upon that ponder while I'm pondering the thought, just thinkin' about the thinkweiz is leaving me distraught!
Well I think I thought I saw an Azwethinkweiz, lookin' like we think we do.
Like we think we do.
Some think I'm insane, 'cause I think about the other thing, than that one thought you call reality..
What if what you thought, about who you think you thought you were, was nothing more than illusion rapidly crumbling!
Azwethinkweism should be a topic we all can trust.
It's just too bad that it makes your head go zippitykrack (psh...) dang!
So when donut boy comes sniffing around trying to figure out somthing new, you just laugh and say "Pardon you, I'm sitting through some particles and farcing through some folds.
I've stumbled upon a brain fart which melts away your molds."
SO I think upon that ponder while I'm pondering the thought, just thinking about the thinkweiz is nothing like you think you are?
You'd probably more than likely be a lookyloo lookin' like you think you do.
Like you think you do.
29 Meanings
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I love this song, the beat is just perfect. Great stuff. Its so catchy, the chorus especially.

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this is my favorite incubus song... it catches your ear wit hthe beat and then you listen to the words and they're amazing to, once you get them. This song isthe best, by far!

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I think it's actually about how some people think things other than the norm. If you syllabilise the title it ends up being As we think we is. So it could be saying that even if what you think is a statistical infrequency, it doesn't mean it's wrong.

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this is my favorite incubus song, possibly eva, well at least it is from the enjoy incubus cd. 2 other wicked songs are clean and i miss you, they just say so much and are so inspirational. :) INCUBUS are the best band ever, nothing does and will ever compare

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this is my favorite incubus song, possibly eva, well at least it is from the enjoy incubus cd. 2 other wicked songs are clean and i miss you, they just say so much and are so inspirational. :) INCUBUS are the best band ever, nothing does and will ever compare

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This about sums it up (if you have a mic on your computer) "Thursday night we smoked indica and the azwethinkweiz was born." I played it backwards they were high:) It's a great song I have shared with my friends knowing it would sound forgien to them, they kinda liked they have no taste in music

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i dont know about you but i think this song is GREAT! its so/.......i dont know great! i was drunk the 1st time i hered this song, which made it even better

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I think that Azwethinkweiz is a spin off of "I think therefore we am".

The line that stands out to me is, "Some think I'm insane, 'cause I think about the other thing, than that one thought you call reality." In other words he's saying, you think I'm nuts because I don't think like you do. The song's about free thinking. Think for yourself. Question Authority.

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donut boy?! hehe

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I just started listening to it, but so far i think its awesome! i was told to download it a few months ago, but kept forgetting then my bf had a burned cd w/a whole bunch of incubus i hadnt heard before, and i heard this song and downloaded it today ;). Ok, had to share that.

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