16 Meanings
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Hot Dog In A Hallway Lyrics

She'll have another piece of pie
She'll have a double reuben rye
She works hard at eating well
That's why I love her

She's got a couple of pony kegs
Her arms are bigger than my legs
And when she holds me I can't breathe
That's why I love her

I'm her butter she's my bread
She's like a mobile waterbed
And when I got on top of her
I can't touch the mattress

And when her flesh begins to sag
She's like a human sleeping bag
I feel so cozy, safe and warm
She's my insulation

I always know where she sat
And when she's on me I get flat
Some broken ribs a punctured lung
That's why I love her

She's my Phillie I'm her Stud
Her bean is bigger than my pud
It's like feeding a tic-tac to a whale
That's why I love her
16 Meanings
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Sounds like a love song to a fat chick in my ears. :)

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'it's like feeding a tictac to a whale'! that is the funniest line. the girl he's singing about mustve been BIG...

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I love nofx so much check this out it's from the q&a portion of their website:

As a female with a "bigga figga," I really appreciate your pro-fat songs... funny thing is, methinks that a lot of your dumber fans think that Hot Dog in a Hallway and SF Fat are jokes. Do a search on the net of "Fat chicks NOFX" (don't ask) and you get stuff like, "Turnons: NOFX. Turnoffs: Fat Chicks!" Bums. So my question is this: can you clarify once and for all that you dig big chicks? And is it the whole band that's down with it, or just Mike? thanks

That's fucked. Lets set the record straight. Yes I really like big girls. I used to date a bunch of big women. I think the biggest was 220. She was awesome. I'm married now though and although my wife looks skinny, she used to weigh 30 pounds more when we were first goin out. She keeps gettin skinnier too, I gotta do something about it. As far as the other guys go, I don't think they care either way, cuz I've seen both Melvin and Hefe with big girls and little girls.

Fat Mike

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well i still think the song is funny...w/e the record may be!

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Fat chicks = just a cushion for the pushin'

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what do they mean by "hot dog in a hallway?" thanks.

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im not a fat chick but i love fat guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hot dog in a hallway. Hot dog=small, Hallway=big.

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basically he's saying that her vagina dwarfs his dick. and that her clit is actually bigger than his head. now, that is quite a strong image isn't it?

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This song kicks my ass it is soo cool. Nofx is one of the funniest bands ever! Stina =w=

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