36 Meanings
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Freedom Lika Shopping Cart Lyrics

A Christian, an anarchist slash prostitute, figures out the true meaning of freedom
Not freedom like America, freedom like a shopping cart
Kick back, no tense, you got a bag of grub it cost you about 50 cents
No fear, no fuckin' feats, malt liquor tastes much better on the streets
Crustin, a way of life for heroines and heroes who hitchhike the road to Eden
Not Eden like the garden state, Eden like the state of mind
Kick back, cheap thrills, you'll do anything for a laugh even if it kills you
The bridge you took it out, the ticket takers suddenly lost count
Sleeping under rays, your teeth crumbling away, say goodbye
To all responsibility, you never wanted it man
Wasting time whenever you get the chance
Which happens to be all the time
Kick back, free meals

A couple of times a day you make a couple of shady deals
No work, no fucking pay
Cardboard condominium by the bay
You're between the red and black, you're never goin' back
Say goodbye, to all responsibility
You never wanted it man
36 Meanings
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Guys, guys it is about being a bum, yes. But it's about the true meaning to freedom. "not freedom like America, Freedom like a shopping cart" is talking about not having a false sense of freedom, to be actually is to do whatever you wanted without having responsibilities to your family, looking after your house etc. it's about being in an eden state of mind, finding your place that makes you happy. Douches :)

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about the only freedome you can have is if you refuse to participate in anything

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This song is Saying that being a bum and having no responcibility is the only way to truly be "free", and live a carefree happy life. The first lines about the anarchist/Prostitute is just like a example of people who become "free". 'between the red and Black' means between sheets of newspaper, like how bums sleep. Then he says you never wanted responcibility, otherwise you wouldn't be where you are now. I think it's a pretty cool song, makes me think about what the fuck I'm doing sitting in an office.

your ruining the human race sitting in that office..but thats ok ..someone have to give me change otherwise i couldnt get fortys and nachos and stuff

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God wat a good song...its deap

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I wish I knew what this song was exactly about..

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seriously one of my favorite nofx songs.. its awsome and now i see shopping carts in empty parking lots and it reminds me of this song.. Its a confuseing song but i think its not ment to be taken in one way. Its an individual thing.

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this song is a great song. one of nofx best songs. this song is about not having to work and living on the streets, because you wanted to be a worthless peice of shit and have no responsibilities. "freedom like a shopping cart" bums push shopping carts.

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the meaning is so obivious...

but its a great song, makes me wanna be a bum, wait nevermind

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about being a hobo. kinda sad, but i guess kinda happy if you chose that lifestyle and u like it. beats bing a mindless yuppie

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but actually i agree with sokicksass also in thta being a bum and loafing does indeed beat being a midless brainwashed, souless yuppie. alrighty.

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