Straight Edge (Minor Threat cover) Lyrics


Oh, I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Or passing out at all the shows

I got the straight edge

I laugh at the thought of dropping ludes
I laugh at the thought of sniffing glue

I got the straight edge


Oh, I got the straight edge
45 Meanings
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Ill tell what the fuck it is to be Straight edge. Its something that i personally got into because i agreed with the values in the label. Plain and simple, i dont condem people for what they do but i dont do it. Not all straight edgers put Big X's on their hands. I mean why does anybody label themself anything? Because they fit into that label. what would you call someone who didnt eat meat? what would you call someone who believes in punk rock values? Its not just straight edgers who label themselves its everyone. Don't judge something because you heard that the people involved with it are assholes, because no matter what your talking about, there will always be elitist assholes in anything. you may be drug free and all that, but its more than just drug free, its having a clear mind, its about thinking for yourself. And Fuck doesnt mean have pre-marital sex, it means not having sex with anyone you meat and have an attraction to. And i believe music to be art, art is subjective. Believe whatever you want.

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Going through a lot of the comments here, I've found some pretty stupid shit. Now, I don't know everything there is to know about NOFX or straight edge, but I've been submitting wiki entries and lyric corrections and I am very knowledgeable on both subjects. Let me start out by clarifying a few things:

  1. This song is a parody of the original Minor Threat song.

  2. Erik Sandin (or "Smelly"), the drummer for NOFX, is not straight edge. The rest of the band gave him an ultimatum after they recorded The Longest Line EP because he had failed to show up for recording on several occasions due to his heroin use. Mike told him he needed to quit heroin or he'd be out of the band.

Mike and Hefe talk about this in a scene from Backstage Passport that was not included on the final DVD, but can be found on YouTube. After Backstage Passport was released, Mike told him that while he needed to quit heroin, he didn't have to quit all drugs, and Smelly has since been drinking and smoking pot again according to the band.

  1. NOFX was never a straight edge band. They have not had any members that have been straight edge as far as I can discern, and that includes Steve Kidwiller, Dave Casillas (guitarists before El Hefe), Scott Sellers, Dave Allen, and Scott Aldahl (drummers who replaced Smelly when he moved away in 1985-86).

Some people cite "Drug Free America" from S&M Airlines as evidence of NOFX being a straight edge band, but if you listen closely you can tell that that song is satirical as well - after the first chorus, Mike and Melvin change their tune from a "drug free America" to one where we "make them all for free."

NOFX are very talented when it comes to being facetious or satirical, and sometimes this goes over the heads of their listeners. It should be obvious that "Straight Edge" is a parody poking fun at, but not putting down, the straight edge movement.

  1. The name "NOFX" (previously "NO FX," "NOF-X" and "NO-FX") was inspired by the Boston hardcore band Negative-FX. However, it does not mean "no straight edge," "no fucking straight edge," or "no effects." It "doesn't mean shit," according to Fat Mike.

Please do some research before you spew ridiculous bullshit about one of the most innovative and influential punk acts of today. Most of this information can be found from reputable sources online or even in the liner notes from NOFX's records, which have a lot to say about the band and their beliefs. Take a minute to read them next time you spin a NOFX record and you'll probably learn a lot.

I have a lot of respect for the straight edge movement but when you impose your beliefs on others, you're no better than religious folk.

Happy listening.

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I heard a rumor that the name NOFX means "no fucking straight edgers" the X because straight edge people sometimes where an X on their hand. Is this rumor true?

no its a spin off of the boston hardcore band negative FX

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no, thats just a rumor. i dont remember what it means, but it's not that.

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Minor Threats Straight Edge kicks ass i mean not everyone has the strength do not smoke drink or have sex. I use to be a straight edger but i dont know what happend sometimes wish i still was tho.

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NOFX did a terrible cover of this song. For those of you who don't know, go download Minor Threat - Straight Edge. The lyrics are basically the same but the sound is hardcore and fast. I was wondering if they were making fun of us straight edgers because of the way they sing it on here.

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I think NoFx is good. But yah, I think they were making fun of staight edgers. NOFX is anything but sXe. And yes the Minor Threat version is much better

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The story behind NOFX's name is that there was a band called Negative FX that broke up around where NOFX lived so they thought that they would gimmick off of that band and call themselves NOFX.

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sXe wasnt started by minor threat..

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Minor Threat was the band that first said the term straight edge, sXe i dont got the sXe but i think minor threats version is better too

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