27 Meanings
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Kill All the White Men Lyrics

The white man call himself civilized
Cause he know how to take over
The white man come to pillage my village
Now he tell me I have to bend over

Oh yeah, kill all the white man

No I don't like the white man up in me
He rape all my people as he rape my country
Everything I love and cherish, he try to take away
We will be rid of him, soon come the day

Oh yeah, kill all the white man
Oh yeah, kill all the white man
Oh yeah, kill all the white man
Oh yeah, kill all the white man
27 Meanings
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I guess none of you cuntrags have seen ten years of fucking up...

To end all you 15 year olds squabbling, there is a nice big interview on "10 years...". El Hefe wrote this song with Fat Mike, and its actually, quote from them, about "all those fucked up nazi-punks who ruin their shows". In germany (at the time of interview) I guess they were running into alot of these cunts. Now quit ur squabbling cuz ur all wrong a. ahaha. ahahahhaha lol LOLZ WTF n,3rn kl2hj43-

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lol wow are you telling me that NOBODY here can sense the heavy sarcasm in this song? you HONESTLY think it's an anti white song? This song is making fun of anti white racists, that's all. The song starts out with a reggae sound, the lyrics are grammatically incorrect "kill all the white man" and the vocalist sings with a jamaican accent...how is it NOT a satirical song? haha dumbasses

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what a great song. both parts are badass, the reggae sounding first half, and the total rock-out second half. always makes me laugh.

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Way to go with your blanket statement there. Your parents must be proud. Ten bucks says you've never opened a history book in your life. fatwrecks, you shouldn't be able to breed.

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it's not about "how white people are the people who fuck up society", it's about getting rid of social and racial stereotypes. just as in several other NOFX songs, they are saying here that they aren`t "white", and that people who buy into social and racial sterotypes, such as fatwrecks, are generally horrible people.

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Hey , i disagree with Fatwrecks, white man don't fuck up society. Society destroys itself for it's no more than a mayority of group that look or think alike, now , when people don't meet don't meet to their standards start doig stupid stuff, white men as black men. Now, i can't go with the song either cuz how can a song that says : OH YEAH KILL THE WHITE MAN and tells about how angry they are that the "white man" came and raped "their people", that's just plain stupid. I havent' heard the song, but thel lyrics speak for themselves.

the Lyrics Arent Stupid,Its All Fucking True,When The Europeans(the White People) Came To America They Killed Many Native Americans, And THey arent Going To Tell You This In History Class but Many Native American Women were Raped by the White men also. They Took Everything From Them,Those White Pieces Of Shit Even killed the Buffalo to Try and starve THem To Death. now theres not to many native americans, most of them were killed. By the White Man.So Yeah I Agree With NOFX, KILL ALL THE WHITE MAN!

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I think you guys are taking white too literally. Mike is trying to say that "white" men, shovanists are hurting the country, KKK members (white men), are hurting the country, government leaders (white men) are hurting the country, who's on top? The white man, he controls all, and shouldn't, the stereotypical white man controls what he shouldn't, and that's why they say he should die. Think of kill as abolish, all lines of racism should be abolished, no white, no black.

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Why is it that the girls who always comment have calmer saner things to say. Good job Susiehighschool. Then again I was a complete idiot when I was 15 too. Look white people aren't innately intolerent. They living in Europe a fertile hospitible place when they got their shit together advanced quickly. Much quicker then others and were soon all over the globe. Seeing new things all the time and having new experiences they weren't ready for and in some cases handled themselves badly. But if you look at other people say the Chinese they never went around the world to meet these other people. Its not that yellow people are nicer. They just stayed put and never had the experiences the Europeans had. This is a classic example of technology moving faster then people could cope. We had fast cutter ships but limited antropological knowledge.

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Eddie Murphy sung this song first

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even if he did...nofx makes it better beacause their simply nofx!

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