We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows Lyrics

Brilliant? A word describing something dumb
You create to desecrate the villain I've become
A prophet, not to be made but heard
Speaks in tongues and sarcasm
To me it's plain, to you absurd
You don't know me let alone my intent
Actions do not always self represent
I don't feel urgency in explaining
My conscience so vaguely clear

Seen as jealousy so fast across the earth
Flower blooms it's planting fumes
The miracle rebirth
A cynic, in the search of something more
The fragrant air cannot compare
To what it was the day before

Remember the good old days
Remember the sound
Remember the sweet mustiness underground
No, I don't feel the need for relivin'
Some things are better off dead

Never thought the furnace
Was going to burn us
We worked the bellows for so long
The comfort of the fire appetize us
Looks like we burned ourselves alive

Remember the old band we filled ears with pain
Nothing to lose there was nothing to gain
I don't miss my span of attention
I do miss my old friend Tim
36 Meanings
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first off the lyrics are wrong in some spots the first line should be "brilliant, a word describing some thing dumb" the last line on the first verse should be "my concienc opaquely clear" then the first and second lines on the second verse should be "the seed is sown gently back to mother earth, the flower blooms resplendent fumes a miricle rebirth" the last line of that verse is "the great before" the third line of the bridge is "the comfort of the fire apathized us" and this song isnt about how they say they sold out. its about fat mikes friend Tim Yohannon, the fuckin god of punk. he said what was punk and what wasnt. but he died in 1998, before they even wrote this song.

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The last thing they did was sell out. They stuck with their independent labels, hardly have music videos, and still rock the fuck out. Yeah they're gonna end up making some money after being a band for almost 3 fucking decades.

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Well, this song is about NOFX and how they sorta realize that they sold out even though they were completely against it from the start. Hence the title, "We threw gasoline on the fire and now we have stumps for arms and no eyebrows". Fat mike tries to put off the blame, "you create to desecrate the villain i've become". In other words, they didn't sell out, its just people's opinion of them that makes it seem that way. They sure sold out eventhough they don't come out on MTV or anything like that....Its ok though, they are still the best punk band ever.....period.

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Just because a band goes big doesnt meen they sell out and i hate how all u 'punkers' criticize punk bands for going big....if they didnt go big then all u 'punkers' would never hear of them and your favourite bands would be 'hardcore punk bands' like New Found Glory and Fexix Tx....haha...ya they are pure pussy bands..but anyhoo....who cares if a band sell's out...who the fuck are u to judge someone for making momney for what they love to do...do doctors sell out just because they get paid like 100,000 a year....shouldnt they just be in it to help people?..no that is absurd....punk bands start off for the music...but keep goin cuz of money....that is perfectly acceptable

FYI we PUNK ROCKERS hate being called "punkers" mr. fuckin evilcrushpopcan

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the only reason it isn't acceptable with nofx is because they were anti selling out from the very start. They were always on the underground and wanted to stay that way. I mean, they basically told MTV to go suck a dick when their White trash CD came out, but now they're on a freaking movie soundtrack. All I'm saying is practice what you preach

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thats full of shit bro. every single punk band becomes popular thru underground, its the essence of punk music today. signing to a little unknown label and making a cult following. pop punk bands like NFG and the ataris are the reason punk became so popular. anyways, noone can stay underground forever, especially when they are a) as talented as nofx and b) tell everyone not to play their songs. that just creates more of a cult following!

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Just because a band is big doesn't mean they've sold out, look at pennywise, they're still the same as before, they still play what they want, say what they want and sing about stuff that is important to the world. They don't give a damn what anyone thinks, they just wanna play good music and let people hear it. Selling out isn't when a band becomes popular, it's what they do when they become popular. Bands like the offspring and greenday have totally changed what their music is like, what they sing about and what they stand for in order to become a popular band. Selling out is sueing your own lead singer who wrote all your music, lyrics and pretty much did everything for the band like Dead Kennedys did.

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Isnt it us, the listeners, which cause a band to sell out

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Everyone has different definitions of "selling out" Mine is that a band has changed their music style drastically to get more fans. NoFx didnt do this, they still play the same music theyve always played. Anyway, after around 20 years of writing lyrics, topics to write about get smaller and smaller

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nofx has never put out a bad, or even slightly bad cd so dont complain

until 09' when they put out the album coaster which in my opinion sucks monstrous donkey dick

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