Dark Saga Lyrics
There's darkness in my soul
I want to die again
Alone and confused what am I?
Images flash memories jaded
He took my life God damn his lies
Smash in the gates, burn 'em down
You must accept the fate that you've chosen
You will obey your destiny
I cheated myself for love
Love unconditional
Now just to see her face
I've lost it all
I know there's goodness in me
Though I'm not the same
I will defy the master
I will refuse to be his slave
My future's unclear, it's a lie
I'll follow my heart stand and be counted
The curse will lift I will survive

It looks like a continuation from dracula.. I haven't looked too far into this song, but it seems to be about how he made a deal with the devil to see his love and in return gave satan his soul. ~T~

Actually this song is about Spawn's deal with the devil.

The first 3 lines of the song were taken directly from the comic book.

I think some lines are wrong, but anyway... This song is indeed about Spawn. Fucking bad-ass song.

Wow, I love Spawn, and I love Iced Earth...however I haven't heard too much from this album. I have heard this song, and it's fantastic.

The whole Dark Saga album is a concept about Spawn. They even had Todd McFarlane (artist for Spawn) do the artwork for it.

"The Dark Saga" is a concept album about spawn just as samwalton brought up. At this point on the album, our hero has died. Not being a good guy in life, he winds up in Hell. However, sinners are not necessarily incapable of love; our hero had a wife who he loved dearly. So the devil makes a deal with him, if the hero sells his soul to the devil and serves his dark machinations, he can return to Earth and see his wife. Like a fool, he jumps at the offer without considering the cost.

The Spawn comics were kick ass, Iced Earth kicks ass. What more could you want?... Except maiby for them to do more concept albums based on graphic cool graphic novels...

MasterCracker covered most of it, but in a bit more specific detail, yea... Spawn (Al Simmons) was essentially sent to his death by his employer. He sold his soul to the devil so that he could return to be with his wife, but unfortuantely, when he came back to earth, it was 5 years after his death and his wife was married to his best friend.

Also, the line is "Fight spawn of the damned", not son of the damned.