11 Meanings
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Sleep Lyrics

I never thought I'd live to see the day
I never thought I could give it all away
But as long as I'm close you'll be here
And as long as I'm far I know you live
But it all comes crashing down in
The face of maturity

Nothing hides her feelings quite like eye shadow
And all she wears is pink
You think maybe if I asked her
You think she would move in with me?
I think maybe she will do that

I never thought I'd live to see the day
I never thought I could give it all away
But as long as I'm close you'll be here
And as long as I'm far I know you live
But it all comes crashing down in
The face of maturity

Nothing hides her feelings quite like eye shadow
And all she wears is pink
You think maybe if I asked her
You think she would move in with me?
I think maybe she will do that (2x)

I know this is the last you'll hear from me
I leave you with my love and responsibility
Please don't destroy what I have made
Treat it as if I would have stayed
And I know this is the last you'll heard from me
11 Meanings
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that he gave everything away to be with her then she hides her feelings from him

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all these punk rock emo bands all sound the same..well the lead singers at least, lol. But not like im complaining. This song is beautiful, i like the acoustic guitar. this kinda reminds me of how i act sometimes. I like to hide my feelings from people. so i really like this song. =D

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can Keepsake get any better?? acoustically they are wicket, their lyrics are good, and he can sing .. this song rocks, this is right behind 'One Season Too Late' as my fav song ..

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oh god, i gotta stop listening to keepsake, they're just way to depressing...i think this stuff should be forbidden for people with suicidal tendencies....

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Does anyone have a CD cover of one of the 4 Keepsake records please? Please help!

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This is by far one of my favorite songs of all time, it's so full of emotional wrought.

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Dude this song is awesome....The guitar is incredible and the violin uh...whats the word...'interludes' lol? Whaeva..thats awesome. "Nothing hides her feelings quite like eyeshadow..and all she wears is pink.." Oye..exactly. I wish my love would ask me to move in with him lol. Oh well...I guess still being in HS prevents that somewhat. This is a great song...IF ANYONE FINDS OUT ABOUT THEM GOING ON TOUR OR SOMETHING...post it...ah somewhere. PEACE OUT

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i really dont like this song. im not trying to be like those assholes who go and post how they hate a band, cuz i can appreciate this stuff. i just think that it's way too simple and sounds like any other band in the same genre. there is just no complexity or depth, lyrically or musically. everyone should listen to third eye blind, grade and thursday.

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"Nothing hides her feelings quite like eyeshadow"... I really like this song, because while it may seem somewhat "simple" (as the last commenter put it), it expresses quite a lot using only some "simple" words, catchy acoustic guitar, a violin, and some nice rythm. This girl that he talks of covers herself up with makeup and pink clothes to paint an image of herself to everyone else. All he wants to do is be with her. Great song.

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I actually think Keepsake sort of stands out in this album (The End of Sound) in terms of any other pop-punk, rock or whatever band. They have poppy lyrics, with great vocals and simple guitarwork, its really quite great. I just wish Shane would've screamed more on this album. Such a shame they broke up.

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