17 Meanings
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Van Diemen's Land Lyrics

Hold me now, oh hold me now
Till this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Diemen's land

It's a bitter pill I swallow here
To be rent from one so dear
We fought for justice and not for gain
But the magistrate sent me away

Now kings will rule and the poor will toil
And tear their hands as they tear the soil
But a day will come in this dawning age
When an honest man sees an honest wage

Hold me now, oh hold me now
Till this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Diemen's land
17 Meanings
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Van Diemen's land was the first not wholly inhospitable area of Australia that the convicts whose sentences were commuted to "transport" settled in. Read Morgan's Run by Colleen McCullough for an insight into this brutal period of Australian/UK history.

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Didn't Edge write this one? I know he sings it. It's a good song.

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yes edge did write this one. its my favorite song if you can tell^^

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Basically a song about social injustics; about a man probably morally coerced into a life of crime or theft to survive and either for himself or his family. Thus he is "sent away" to van Diemens Land- a place established for those who broke British criminal rule.In those days laws were strict and when they brought someone down,it was usually the masses in extreme poverty the reasons being a mixture of political and social beliefs that had been continually upheld by the British,stationed in Ireland for 600 years. This song exemplifies the sentiment of multiple Irish generations,particularly those who came before the great famine of the 1840's,mainly in the 18th century- who were plundered by those "kings" who will continue to "rule" over the "poor" who will continue to "toil". The idea of revolution rebellion- this man and his comrades "fought for justice and not for gain"- probably an attempt of reclaiming food and land that was rightfully theirs.Remeber- at this peiod of immense poverty throughout Ireland,the British were exporting more food than importing it. And so,this man years for his loved one to hold him one last time as he faces the "rising tide" towards the dreaded Van Diemen's Land.

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check this...


    by: John Boyle O'Reilly (1844-1890)

        HE faithful helm commands the keel,
        From port to port fair breezes blow;
        But the ship must sail the convex sea,
        Nor may she straighter go.

        So, man to man; in fair accord,
        On thought and will the winds may wait;
        But the world will bend the passing word,
        Though its shortest course be straight.

        From soul to soul the shortest line
        At best will bended be:
        The ship that holds the straightest course
        Still sails the convex sea.

Nice, Always good to see a bit of JBOR appreciation BizzareAppu, I'll add this piece he wrote:


Only from day to day the life of a wise man runs what matters if seasons far away have glooms or have double suns

Like a tide our work should rise each later wave the best Today is king in disguise Today is the special test

Like a sawyers work is life The present makes the flaw and the only field for strife is the inch before the saw

John Boyle O' Reilly

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Ok, so now, first off, I would like to applaud Mr. The Edge for writing such a cool song. I love the guitar in it.

And I think, this song was written about an Irish poet who was exiled to Tasmania(or Van Dieman's Land) because he spoke out against the British government.

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As much as I love Bono's voice...I think Edge should do main vocals in a few more songs, I love his voice!

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Van Diemen's Land. Present Day Tasmania. Song about a man who spoke out against the government, rallied for proper wages and justice. Probably got arrested for inciting to rebellion or something like that. The English liked to send their criminals to Australia, especially to Van Diemen's Land, as there was a Penal Colony at Port Arthur.

The Edge wrote and sings this song, and it's amazing. I love the melancholy of it, but also the hope inherent in this line "But a day will come in this dawning age When an honest man sees an honest wage " It's almost saying "i'm going, but the fight will keep on"

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It's a great song.According to "Rattle & Hum"'s booklet it is "Dedicated to John Boyle O'Reilly.A Fenian poet deported from Ireland to Australia because of his poetry.(it wasn't very good...)"

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The Edge did NOT write this song, it's a Trad. song from way back.

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