7 Meanings
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Whisper in Time Lyrics

All those stories that my dad told me,
They are just a whisper in time

All those things that never came to be,
They are just a whisper in time

A whisper in time, a whisper in time
Things that I can't shake from my mind

A whisper in time, a whisper in time
Moments that just flicker and die
(memories that flicker and die)

All those places I wanted to go,
They are just a whisper in time

All those friends who now I do not know,
They are just a whisper in time

Maps and roads that brought me here today,
They are just a whisper in time

Circumstances that were explained away,
They are just a whisper in time

We are messengers of memory,
Just whispers in time
Song Info
Submitted by
kpizzle On Nov 27, 2001
7 Meanings
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This is, in my opinion, the greatest Bad Religion song ever...all that really matters in life are memories, since in the end, they are all we have. When your dad tellsyou a story he is allowing those events to live on in someone else. All the things that people wanted that for one reason or another never occurred live on inside you, because they exist in your mind. The list goes on and on, this song is just so deep and profound. By far my favorite Bad Religion song.

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i agree with madcappunk, it's an amazing song, one of my favourites lyrics-wise.

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no, this song is fucking awesome. good charlotte fucking sucks. that is all.

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Wow. I can't believe I said that. This song is pretty good, it's a bit a repetitious, though, but still good.

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nice song. about reminiscence of the past

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really i think what its saying is that everything we know right are just memories that we will forget soon like a dream we had but cant remember

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This does not sound like Bad Religion to me. It sounds like a Good Charlotte song whining about what they never got.


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