6 Meanings
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like a morning crow and his unwelcome song
or a worn-out broken record that keeps skipping along
mountains of instructions you keep piling on me
resound like a cacophonous symphony
but I don't wanna hear it anymore
no, I don't wanna hear it anymore
let's go!

priests and politicians pretend they're your friend
and police speak to you like you're children again
blanket statements cover you like a rug
and they tell me maybe I'm acting a little too smug
but I don't wanna hear it anymore
no, I don't wanna hear it anymore
no more!

every day we hear the secrets of life
reduced to cheap jokes, poetry, and friendly advice
they'd rather see us all pusillanimous
absorbent in their chorus of correctness
but I don't wanna hear it anymore
no, I don't wanna hear it anymore
I said, I don't wanna hear it anymore
No, I don't wanna hear it anymore
6 Meanings
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it's about lies and deception and corruption being used to climb the ladder of society and how greg doesn't want to hear it anymore just live life and be happy for where you and other are....i think

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I think Its More about People Just Giving You Shit About Your Life, And Things Your Doing Wrong and Not Caring

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This song is awesome!

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This song is a big "fuck you" to all the groups and ideas that try to control our lives.

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seriously, its a big fuck you to the world, just shut up, and keep it down you fucktards Im trying to live

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I'm thinkin it's more for those troubled souls who, when they hear about something disheartening, it makes them sad or angry or upset or something. And one can only take so much of hearing those things before they crack. Somethin I know I can relate to. How sometimes you hear something and it just instantly puts you down or changes your attitude, and you really don't want to hear it anymore. But this song, well I want to hear it haha

fluff you

why thank ya

your welcome sara, amanda whoever you are. You're both the same thing or person, not an individual. Are you sure you aren't talking about yourself? Do you think I actually value your opinion? I get to you, not the other way around. haaaaaaaa

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