Touch Of Grey Lyrics
Clocks are running late
Paint by number morning sky
Looks so phony
Light a candle, curse the glare
Draw the curtains
I don't care 'cause
It's all right
I will get by / I will survive
Say your piece and get out
Yes I get the gist of it
but it's all right
The only thing there is to say
Every silver lining's got a
Touch of grey
I will get by / I will survive
The Ables and the Bakers and the C's
The ABC's we all must face
And try to keep a little grace
The deltas and the east and the freeze
The ABC's we all think of
Try to give a little love.
The dog has not been fed in years
It's even worse than it appears
but it's all right.
Kid can't read at seventeen
The words he knows are all obscene
but it's all right
I will get by / I will survive
There's really nothing much to it
Whistle through your teeth and spit
cause it's all right.
Kind of suits you anyway.
That was all I had to say
It's all right.
I will get by / I will survive
We will get by / We will survive

I have to apologize in advance for the length of my post... but trust me, you'll probably learn something if you read it.
I want to start off by quoting Jerry Garcia. Someone asked him about the band name "The Grateful Dead". He said, "Well we always thought of it more as, uh, the death of the ego than any specific legend."
Ego death is a subjective experience, i.e. it's different for everyone it happens to. Basically the ego can be thought of as one's concept of his or her self, and further, the whole of reality. So when the ego dies, one's entire views of reality are basically shattered. It commonly happens on psychedelics. You become fully aware that the reality of everything is completely beyond any grasping of the mind, because every time we create a mental concept it is never a complete representation of the one true reality.
So, when Jerry says "I see you've got your list out, say your piece and get out" he seems to be saying that it's not a good idea to go on and on about what you think you know.
Also, I believe the ABC's he talks about are these "lists" we all make. It's perfectly natural to try to figure things out, but to someone who's "awakened" to the actual reality beyond concepts, it's really truly pointless to go on and on. Plus, it's obviously egotistic to think any of our ideas are absolutely right.
After going through ego death, we still make judgements about the world, our"selves", and others... but we understand that they're abstractions and ultimately unreal. Thus we face the ABCs, and "keep a little grace".
Now that I think about it, a "paint-by-number morning sky" really would look pretty phony. :-)

The key to this song is that change in the chorus in the last line.
The narrator is trying to reconcile that his/her life has fallen short of expectations. They are dealing with their issues in an insular way and consoling themselves with the notion that "I will get by." Finally, at the end of the song, the narrator awakenings to the fact that it's not all about their problems. Everyone has struggles and challenges. There is some comfort in realizing that you are not alone in your struggles. You have a "misery loves company" moment that is the hallmark of the blues and country music.
Finally the narrator sees that they aren't alone and finds comfort in this, "We will get by."

Very well put, rynlnk i was trying to explain that same thing to some people on the comfortably nump board, although youve phrased the experience much better than i did,it is truly something you will never understand unles you've had the experience,it almost seems like thats what they meant by the whole permanant damage bullcrap surounding certain drugs. if thats the case i recomend it to everyone.the world would be much better if everyone could find that sort of understanding about this WHOLE THING life ,planets, thought,sun, space ,nothing........................................... everything!!! Instead of prozac doctors should recomend the death of your ego every 6 months. And i feel that the line about the "paint by numbers sky";is probably the way the san fransiscan sky looked after 300mics or so anyway those were my thoughts after reading all of your post peace love and legalize marijuana

First off this is the greatest pick-me up song, and conforming to the crowd i believe it to be about getting by and knowing good times are right around the corner so as to never get down on yourself. Grateful Dead, they've saved me so many times.

This is a great song, and very enjoyable. I'm no Dead expert, but the meaning to me is twofold. Its like a Country song that whines about making it through tough times that are self inflicted. The song also satires the irony of being around so many beautiful things, and seeing the downside. A paint-by-number sky is one of the most beautiful things in nature, especially at Dawn. Yet, the song is cursing the glare. No wonder he's raised a good for nothing (17 and can't read). A loser sets low goals in life like "getting by", then wonders why things never work out to be great! Aim low and you hit low. :)

The other day I was happily surprised at hearing "Touch of Grey" playing on a local (New York) radio station. The disc jockey Ken Dashow commented that Jerry wrote this song fifteen years ago, yet it could have been written yesterday. In these crazy, mixed-up, depressing times, it is important to persevere and keep your head up. With all of the confusion and chaos, the song is Jerry's call to just chill out and ride the shit wave onto shore. With all we are told to worry about, the song reveals that life owes itself to the contradictory nature of the human condition. There's no way to break life down to a science; it attests to the duality of life. But who knows? The song is amazing and even before thinking about its meaning, I loved it. "Touch of Grey" is the song which introduced me to the Dead when I was six years old but only started listening intently a few years ago. Dead music certainly matures as you age.
Great explanation of the "ride it out" vibe this song has going on. I definitely agree it's about taking things in stride, and not thinking too hard in the process. However, Jerry didn't write this song. Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics and Jerry wrote the music. I recently caught the video for this track on VH1's Pop Up Video where it stated this song was written about Garcia's "will to survive" after he went into a diabetic coma in 1986. I'm not sure that's ever been proven. I tend to agree that it's about aging gracefully and riding out the...
Great explanation of the "ride it out" vibe this song has going on. I definitely agree it's about taking things in stride, and not thinking too hard in the process. However, Jerry didn't write this song. Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics and Jerry wrote the music. I recently caught the video for this track on VH1's Pop Up Video where it stated this song was written about Garcia's "will to survive" after he went into a diabetic coma in 1986. I'm not sure that's ever been proven. I tend to agree that it's about aging gracefully and riding out the rough patches in life we will all inevitably face at some point. Also, if you haven't seen it, do check out the music video for 'Touch Of Grey'. Growing up it was one of the coolest things I had ever seen, and really, it still is. Love it. Great, great song.
Agreed josher. It is incredible how the sentiment of this song transcends time. Here, at the end of June 2012, when things look very bleak for this country, we need a reminder to press on.
Agreed josher. It is incredible how the sentiment of this song transcends time. Here, at the end of June 2012, when things look very bleak for this country, we need a reminder to press on.

i dont really get this song could someone explain it? all i know is that this song was playing while i was being born ... so its the first song i ever heard
OK... Yes, the song is about riding through the hard times, no matter how bad they get. how ever there are other things to pay attention to in the song...
OK... Yes, the song is about riding through the hard times, no matter how bad they get. how ever there are other things to pay attention to in the song...
Must be getting early(losing time reference) Clocks are running late(in a time where things seem to be working right) Paint by number morning sky,Looks so phony(things don’t seem as beautiful as they once were) Dawn is breaking everywhere Light a candle, curse the glare Draw the curtains I don't care 'cause It's all right(in this part he's making a reference to the reassuring light in dark times, and that we shouldn't depend on it or fear darkness) (chorus)I...
Must be getting early(losing time reference) Clocks are running late(in a time where things seem to be working right) Paint by number morning sky,Looks so phony(things don’t seem as beautiful as they once were) Dawn is breaking everywhere Light a candle, curse the glare Draw the curtains I don't care 'cause It's all right(in this part he's making a reference to the reassuring light in dark times, and that we shouldn't depend on it or fear darkness) (chorus)I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will survive (we will make it even in the worst of times) I see you've got your list out Say your piece and get out(during these times the draft was a big thing, people hated the list they used to read off) Yes I get the gist of it but it's all right(the people reading the list are just doing their jobs) Sorry that you feel that way(they believe it's for a good cause) The only thing there is to say Every silver lining’s got a Touch of grey(how can you look on the bright side, if even the bright side has a bit of bleakness) (chorus)(we will make it even in the worst of times) It's a lesson to me The Ables and the Bakers and the C's (in those time the military lettering was not “alpha, beta, cedar, delta”, it was “able, baker, etc., (they changed some of it because the enemy found out their coding system, but that another story) but the lists they read, were in alphabetical order) The A B C's we all must face And try to keep a little grace(they had no choice in the matter, they had to just deal) It's a lesson to me The deltas and the east and the freeze (more military alphabetical references) The A B C's we all think of Try to give a little love.(just show those who leave, you care for them) I know the rent is in arrears The dog has not been fed in years It's even worse than it appears(times are hard all over) but it's all right. Cows giving kerosene(the milk from the cows at that time were getting people sick due to the chemicals people were spraying near the pastures) Kid can't read at seventeen(families were fleeing to get away from the draft, and in the process of doing so, the kids were not able to attend schools) The words he knows are all obscene(when people everywhere are fighting, there foul language is on every ones mouth, kids hear that and mimic it) but it's all right (chorus)(we will make it even in the worst of times) The shoe is on the hand it fits(a reference to “if the shoe fits" combined with “the government has a hand in everything") There's really nothing much to it (not really much anyone can do) Whistle through your teeth and spit (just keep your mouth shut, don’t even open it to whistle or spit ) cause it's all right.(but we will still press on) Oh well a Touch Of Grey Kind of suits you anyway.(well, darkness suits some people) That was all I had to say It's all right... (chorus)(not only will i be OK) We will get by, We will get by We will get by, We will survive (we all will)
meaning by Nino Mazzola (takes a bow)

Just an incredible song, not only the lyrics and vocals, but the arrangement and musicianship are absolutely phenomonal! It definately reminds me of going through bad times and just saying "Fuck it, it's alright." When Jerry sings "Oh well, A touch of grey", there is so much expression in his voice, I've never heard anything like that before.

It's sort of like you're down in the dirt, but looking up and seeing that it's just a rough patch and things aren't so bad, however, not making yourself ignorant by failing to acknowlege your problems (touch of grey).

I will get high.