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Mr.clean Lyrics

Mr. Clean tell me is that really you, I wonder what you've done
to become so big and dumb
but I know you change your lifestyle once again

It´s cool to be clean if you know what I mean
when I gave you my favourite Chiquita shirt I gave it to a guy
who is cruel to everyone he meets and who shows the world he´s incoplete

Mr.Clean tell me is that really you
I wonder what you've done to become so big and dumb
last time we met you beat me up that was no surprise
though I miss the days you where nice

It´s hard to believe that you don´t owe me shit
I´m well aware of what is yours and where to draw the lines
at least I have the right to write anything I think is right

Looking back at the days when we were friends
together as one we followed all the trends
but now a friend is less worth than a neggy trend.
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Submitted by
firefly On Nov 26, 2001
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

I kind of have the opposite opinion of this song as everyone else. I think Mr. Clean is the one who has started using drugs.

I think the line "Mr. Clean, tell me, is that really you?" signifies disbelief of the singer who knew him prior as someone who was very clean.

Also, certain drugs often have a tendency to make users especially angry, violent, and irrational, which would account for the lines "I wonder what you've done to become so big and dumb," and "last time we met you beat me up."

And finally, when he says "who... shows the world he's incomplete," I think it means that Mr. Clean does not feel whole, so he uses drugs as a crutch to make him feel whole.

That's just my take on it. Especially because Millencolin never seemed like a hard-core, druggy band that would criticize being sober.

I'm exactly 6 years late to comment, but yeah, I totally agree with you.

I'm almost 8 years late to comment, but yeah, I totally agree with you.

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

damn these guys are hott!

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

this song is amazing, i could be wrong, but like it sounds like these 2 guys were best freinds , but they were both really trendy, but then one of them stated not following trends, and (mr.clean) though he was a fag, and he's called mr clean, cuz he's not all punk, like the other guy. Well personally I think ppl who dont follow trends are way cooler, especially guys, they are sooo hot when they arent all clean cut, yah anyway it seems like teh guy really misses"mr.clean" when he was nice but yhe.... thats my thots

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

i think its about, these 2 kids were really good friends then they grew apart. the one kid started being an ass to his old friend and wanted to fight him and he changed himself just to be "cool".

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

I think it's about the 2 guys but Mr. Clean got ivolved with another group that the other guy didn't like so they went their seperate ways.

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

i think it has something to do with drugs

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

It's Mr CLEAN? I always thought it was MR.QUEEN! lol I'm not to bright

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

well being clean is about not doing drugs... so maybe the guy went on drugs and mr clean beat the piss out of him cause he didn't want to see him like that (i know i would do that if one of my pals started heroin or coke)

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

I think it is about two friends, one who is till the same and one who followed a trend and just drifted away from eachother. Now the friend that followed the trend is a total ass. Thus they are no longer friends "but now a friend is less worth than a neggy trend."

Cover art for Mr.clean lyrics by Millencolin

angry millencolin